The powers of the Chief of Police shall be as set out in Utah Code Annotated sections 10-3-913 through 10-9-922. In addition, he shall:
   A.   Organize, supervise and be responsible for all the activities of the Police Department, and shall define and assign the duties of the different police officers;
   B.   When required, attend meetings of the Governing Body to consult with and advise them on matters of public safety. He shall execute all lawful orders of the Mayor and Governing Body and see that all orders and judgments of the Justice Court Judge are carried out. (2017 Code)
The Chief of Police and all police officers of the Town shall have the following powers and duties, in addition to those that may be assigned to them as provided in this chapter:
   A.   To suppress disturbances and breaches of the peace, and to apprehend all persons committing any offense against the laws of the State or the ordinances of the Town;
   B.   To execute and serve all warrants, processes, commitments and writs whatsoever issued by the Justice Court Judge;
   C.   To preserve the public peace, prevent crime, detect and arrest offenders, protect persons and property, remove nuisances existing in the public streets, roads, highways and other public places, enforce every law relating to the suppression of offenses, render such assistance in the collection of licenses as may be required by the license collector and perform all duties enjoined upon them by law and ordinance;
   D.   Respond to calls for emergency assistance;
   E.   Investigate traffic accidents;
   F.   Recover lost, stolen property and maintain the same until said property is disposed of, as provided by law;
   G.   Supervise school crossings by the Town.
The enumeration of the foregoing duties and responsibilities shall not be deemed to prevent or limit the Mayor from prescribing additional duties or responsibilities for the Police Chief or assigning the designated duties and responsibilities to another officer, as the Mayor shall deem appropriate. (2017 Code)
The Chief of Police shall provide and cause to be kept a register of arrest. Upon such register shall be entered a statement showing the date of such arrest, the name of the person arrested, the name of the arresting officer, the offense charged and a description of any property found upon the person arrested. (2017 Code)
   A.   Triplicate Receipts: When money or other property is taken from a person arrested upon a charge of a public offense, the officer taking it must at the time issue triplicate receipts therefor specifying particularly the amount of money or kind of property taken. One (1) of the receipts he must deliver to the person arrested. Another he must forthwith file with the Court Clerk to which the complaint and other papers in the case are required by law to be sent. The third receipt must be sent at once to the Office of the Police Department.
   B.   Register Of Property: The Chief of Police must enter or cause to be entered in a suitable book a description of every article of property alleged to be stolen or embezzled and brought into his office or taken from the person of the prisoner and must attach a number to each article and make a corresponding entry thereof. (2017 Code)