(A)   In Agricultural Zoning Districts the following provisions shall apply:
      (1)   Within Agricultural Zoning Districts, non-commercial message signs are permitted as follows:
Maximum Sign Area of Single Sign
Total Area of All Signs
Maximum Height of Sign
20 square feet per surface
30 square feet
20 feet
6 feet
      (2)   No more than two signs may be displayed per property.
      (3)   One commercial sign may be displayed per property.
      (4)   Signs must be a minimum distance of ten feet apart.
      (5)   Signs must be a minimum distance of ten feet from a street curb, driveway and property line.
      (6)   Any farm identification sign existing prior to December 9, 1997, shall be considered legally non-conforming and be subject to the regulations of § 155.499.
   (B)   In Residential Zoning Districts the following provisions shall apply:
      (1)   Signs for permitted uses as follows:
Maximum Signs Area of Single Sign
Total Area of All Signs
Maximum Height of All Signs
Non- Commercial
Non-Commercial and Commercial
R-1, R-1a, R-2, RR
10 square feet per surface
15 square feet
2 square feet
6 feet
R-3, R-4
10 square feet per surface
15 square feet
2 square feet
6 feet
            (a)   No more than two signs may be displayed per property.
            (b)   Signs must be a minimum distance of ten feet apart.
            (c)   Non-commercial signs shall be a minimum distance of ten feet from the street curb and property line.
         (d)   One commercial sign may be displayed identifying the presence of a permitted home occupation per property if the business does not have a physical presence on another property and if compliant with the following:
            1.   The sign shall be mounted flat to the exterior wall of the principle structure, except in the R-2 and RR zoning districts a freestanding sign shall be allowed if located within five feet of the driveway and a minimum of 40 feet from the road or 30 feet from the front property line, whichever is greater.
            2.   All commercial signs shall be constructed of weather resistant materials that complement the principle structure and not be internally illuminated.
      (2)   Signs for conditional uses, except for special home occupations as regulated by § 155.065.
         (a)   Monument sign. 
            1.   Location. No part of sign shall be less than ten feet from any property line, driveway or parking lot.
            2.   Number. One double-sided monument sign shall be allowed per property.
            3.   Area. The sign area cannot exceed 64 square feet in area.
            4.   Height. Maximum height of ten feet.
            5.   Design. Electronic message signs can be included as part of the overall sign design. Message signs shall not exceed 50% of the overall area of the identification sign. The sign may be illuminated, but no flashing. Only non-commercial messages are permitted to be displayed on the sign.
         (b)   Wall sign.
            1.   Location. Wall signs shall be permitted on one wall, except in the cases of buildings located on corner lots, or through lots which shall be allowed wall signage on the same number of walls as street frontage.
            2.   Area. The aggregate area of the wall sign shall not exceed 5% of the area of the wall to which the sign is attached, up to a maximum of 100 square feet.
   (C)   In Business and Industrial Zoning Districts the following provisions shall apply.
      (1)   Area. The total area of all signs displayed on a lot shall not exceed 20% of the area of the front building facade, except for buildings located on a corner lot, in which case the total area of all signs may not exceed 20% of the area of either the front or side building facades, whichever is greater. For purposes of calculating area, the wall itself shall be used. The wall shall not include the area of any canopy.
      (2)   Monument signs.
         (a)   Location. No part of a freestanding sign shall be less than ten feet from a side or front lot line or less than five feet from a driveway or parking area, except in the B-2 Zoning District where a freestanding sign may be allowed to be located five feet from any property line, parking area or driveway.
         (b)   Number. No more than one double-side monument sign shall be allowed per property. Lots which have double-frontage on a principal arterial, minor arterial or collector road shall be allowed a second monument sign.
         (c)   Area. Sign area may not exceed 96 square feet on each side with a maximum height of 18 feet. The base area of the sign shall be a minimum of two feet in height and a maximum of 50% of the total height of the sign, except in the B-2 Zoning District where a maximum size of 32 square feet and a maximum height of six feet is allowed. A second monument sign if permitted, shall not exceed 32 square feet in area and shall have a maximum height of no more than ten feet, except in the B-2 Zoning District where the height shall be a maximum of no more than six feet. There is no minimum height for the base of the sign; however the base cannot exceed 50% of the total height of the sign.
         (d)   Design. All portions of the sign structure, excluding the sign area, shall be constructed of the same materials as the principal building. Each business sign, of any type, may contain no information beyond the name, symbol and nature of the business conducted on the premises, or the name and price of a product sold by a business being conducted on the premises.
         (e)   Landscaping. The area around the base of the sign shall be landscaped with plant materials that blend with the sign structure and are consistent with other side landscaping.
      (3)   Wall signs.
         (a)   Location. Wall signs shall be erected within the portion or entryway of the building that is leased or occupied by the business. Wall signs shall not be attached to any element listed in § 155.046(B)(2).
         (b)   Frontage. Wall signage shall be permitted on one wall, except in the cases of buildings located on corner lots, or through lots (not adjacent to a residential district) which shall be allowed wall signage on the same number of walls as it has street frontages.
         (c)   Area. In the B-1, B-2, B-3 and I-1 Zoning Districts, the total area of all wall signs on each elevation, in addition to being subject to the overall business sign area limitation as set forth in division (B)(1), shall not exceed 15% of the area of the wall to which the sign(s) are attached, up to a maximum size of 200 square feet for each sign.
         (d)   Design. In the B-2 Downtown Commercial District signs must contain individually lit letters and symbols.
      (4)   Tenant buildings larger than 25,000 feet. Multiple tenant buildings larger than 25,000 square feet in area with four or more tenants with individual exterior entrances.
         (a)   Freestanding sign.
            1.   Location. Multiple Tenant Buildings in the B-1, B-2, B-3 and I-1 Districts.
            2.   Number. No more than one freestanding sign may be permitted on-site.
            3.   Area. Sign shall not exceed 150 square feet in area.
            4.   Height. Sign shall be no higher than 30 feet.
            5.   Design. All portions of the sign structure, excluding the sign area, shall be constructed of the same materials as the principal building. Each business sign, of any type, may contain no information beyond the name, symbol and nature of the business conducted on the premises, or the name and price of a product sold by a business being conducted on the premises.
         (b)   Wall sign. The aggregate area of such signs shall not exceed 10% of the exterior wall of the leasehold area. For purposes of calculating area, the building itself shall be used. The building facade shall not include the area of any canopy.
      (5)   Tenant buildings less than 25,000 feet. Multiple tenant buildings less than 25,000 square feet in area or any multiple tenant building with three or less occupants, but more than 25,000 square feet in area.
         (a)   Monument sign. Monument signs are subject to all regulations set forth in § 155.496(C)(2).
         (b)   Wall sign. The aggregate area of such signs shall not exceed 10% of the area of the exterior wall of the leasehold area. For purposes of calculating area, the building itself shall be used. The building facade shall not include the area of any canopy.
      (6)   Projecting signs. Projecting signs are permitted in the B-2 Zoning District, subject to the following regulations:
         (a)   Design. The design of a projecting sign shall be consistent with the design of the building to which the projecting sign is attached, as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
         (b)   Number. Number of wall signs are subject to all regulations set forth in § 155.496(C)(3)(c).
         (c)   Location. Before installing a projecting sign that extends into the airspace above the city’s public right-of-way, the owner of the property upon which the projecting sign is to be located must procure and maintain while the projecting sign is in place, at the owner’s sole cost and expense, a policy of comprehensive general liability insurance on an “occurrence” basis against claims for personal injury liability, including, without limitation, bodily injury, death and property damage, with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Such insurance shall name the city as an additional insured. The property owner shall provide the city a certificate of insurance as evidence of such insurance coverage and a release and hold harmless agreement in form and content approved by the City Attorney.
         (d)   Height. The bottom of the projecting sign shall be a minimum of ten feet above ground and the projecting shall not extend above the roof line of the building to which it is attached.
         (e)    Size. A projecting sign shall not extend more than four feet beyond the surface of the building to which the projecting sign is affixed. The sign area of a projecting sign shall not exceed 20 square feet and is subject to wall sign area limitations as set forth in § 155.496(C)(3)(c).
      (7)   Canopies and awnings on buildings. The design of canopies shall be in keeping with the overall building design in terms of location, size, and color. No canopies with visible wall hangers shall be permitted. Signage on canopies may be substituted for allowed building signage and shall be limited to 25% of the canopy area. Internally illuminated canopies must be compatible with the overall color scheme of the building.
      (8)   Canopy signs on motor vehicle stations.
         (a)   Location. Canopy sign(s) are permitted for motor fuel station properties.
         (b)   Number. Motor fuel stations shall be allowed no more than one canopy sign, except in cases of buildings located on corner lots, which shall be allowed one canopy sign per street frontage.
         (c)   Area. The total area of each canopy sign, in addition to being subject to the overall business sign area limitation as set forth in § 155.496(C)(1), shall also not exceed 32 square feet or 25% of the vertical surface area of the face of the canopy the sign will be affixed to, whichever is less. Canopy signs shall not be interpreted as wall signs for calculating the number of signs allowed as described in § 155.496(C)(3)(b)
      (9)   Dynamic display signs. Dynamic display signs must meet those standards as provided above and as follows:
         (a)   Location.
            1.   Permitted only in the B-l, B-2, B-3 and I-1 zoning districts, unless specifically addressed in another zoning district; and
            2.   Permitted only on monument signs.
         (b)   Public road frontage. There shall be one dynamic display sign per lot. The lot shall have at least 100 feet of continuous road frontage on the same street.
         (c)   Orientation. In the B-1 and B-3 zoning districts, no dynamic display sign may be located closer than 75 feet from a lot used exclusively for a residential use or in a residential zone.
         (d)   Sign area.
            1.   Dynamic display signs may occupy no more than 75% of the sign area of any sign. Monument signs are allowed a dynamic display sign area up to a maximum size of 32 square feet or 75% of the total sign area, whichever is less. Freestanding signs are allowed dynamic display sign area up to a maximum size of 50 square feet or 75% of the total sign area, whichever is less.
            2.   Remainder of the sign must not have the capacity to have dynamic displays even if not used; and
            3.   Only one continuous dynamic display area is allowed on a sign face.
         (e)   Message display.
            1.   Static display. The display must be static and the transition from one static display to another must be immediate without any special effects, i.e. fade, dissolve, blink, scroll, or appear to simulate motion in any way. The images and messages displayed must be complete in themselves without continuation in content to the next image or message or to any other sign.
            2.   Duration. The dynamic display may not change or move more often than once every ten seconds.
            3.   Dimmer control. Dynamic displays must be equipped with automatic dimming technology or other mechanisms that automatically adjust the sign's illumination level based on ambient light conditions.
            4.   Resolution. The sign must have a maximum pixel size of 17mm (millimeter) spacing to provide a detailed display necessary for clear and adequate visibility.
            5.   Brightness.
               a.   No sign may exceed a maximum illumination of .3 (3/10th's) candelas above ambient light level vs. other methods and as measured 50 feet from the sign's face. The city may, at its discretion, meter the dynamic display to determine that the sign's illumination is no greater than .3 (3/10th's) candelas.
               b.   No sign may be of such intensity or brilliance as to impair the vision of a motor vehicle driver with average eyesight or to otherwise interfere with the driver's operation of a motor vehicle.
               c.   No sign may be of such intensity or brilliance that it interferes with the effectiveness of an official traffic sign, device, or signal.
               d.   The person owning or controlling the sign must adjust the sign to meet the brightness standards in accordance with the city's instructions. The adjustment must be made immediately upon notice of non-compliance from the city.
            6.   Color. Full color dynamic display signs are permitted.
            7.   Letter size. Every line of copy and graphics in a dynamic display must be at a minimum:
               a.   Seven inches in height on a road with a speed limit of 30 mph or less;
               b.   Nine inches in height on a road with a speed limit of 31 to 45 mph;
               c.   Twelve inches in height on a road with a speed limit of 46 to 55 mph; and
               d.   Fifteen inches in height on a road with a speed limit of 56 mph or greater.
               If there is insufficient room for copy and graphics of this size in the area allowed, then no dynamic display is allowed.
            8.   Design. All dynamic displays shall be designed to be an integral part of the overall sign; including color, materials, etc., and in no case may the dynamic display be wider than the remaining portion of the monument sign.
            9.   Audio. No dynamic display sign may have audio speakers or any audio component.
            10.   Malfunction. The display must be designed and equipped to freeze the device in one position if a malfunction occurs. The display must also be equipped with a means to immediately discontinue the display if it malfunctions, and the sign owner must immediately stop the dynamic display when notified by the city that it is not complying with the standards of this section.
            11.   Non-compliance. The Zoning Administrative shall review non-compliance dynamic display signs. If the property owner has not corrected the non-compliance as determined by the Zoning Administrator, the Zoning Administrator may issue an administrative citation in accordance with the city's administrative enforcement policy and/or the non-compliance shall result in forfeiture of the license, and the city shall be authorized to arrange disconnection of electrical service to the facility.
         (f)   Time, date and temperature. Time, date or temperature information is considered one dynamic display. A display of time, date and temperature must remain static for 60 seconds when changing to a different display, but the time, date or temperature information itself may change no more often than once every 5 seconds.
         (g)   Permitting process. The property owner must obtain a license (permit) to operate a dynamic display sign and shall sign a form agreeing to the operation of the sign in conformance to the city's dynamic display regulations. A sign license shall be issued after receipt of an application fee, sign design, site plan, and dynamic display information has been submitted, reviewed and approved by the Zoning Administrator, or its designee.
   (D)   In a Public and Institutional Zoning District, the following provisions shall apply:
      (1)   Monument sign.
         (a)   Location. No part of sign shall be less than ten feet from any property line, driveway or parking lot.
         (b)   Number. One double-sided monument sign shall be allowed per property.
         (c)   Area. The sign area cannot exceed 64 square feet in area.
         (d)   Height. Maximum height of ten feet.
         (e)   Design. Electronic message signs can be included as part of the overall sign design. Message signs shall not exceed 50% of the overall area of the identification sign. The sign may be illuminated, but no flashing. Only non-commercial messages are permitted to be displayed on the sign.
      (2)   Wall sign - location. Wall signs shall be permitted on one wall, except in the cases of buildings located on corner lots, or through lots which shall be allowed wall signage on the same number of walls as street frontage.
      (3)   Community park/playfield advertising signs.
         (a)   The Park Board reviews each proposal and makes a recommendation to the City Council.
         (b)   The City Council shall hold a public hearing and notify any property owner within 500 feet of the proposed sign locations.
         (c)   The number, location, and materials of advertising signs for each proposal shall be determined on an individual basis, and shall be based on the park layout, natural surroundings, and potential visual impact to surrounding properties and scenic views.
         (d)   To the extent possible, signs shall only be installed during the playing season for which the signs are intended.
         (e)   The city shall have the right to remove signs if they are not properly maintained as necessary for public health, safety and welfare, all as determined by the City’s Zoning Administrator.
         (f)   All profits generated by the advertising signs shall be allocated to capital improvements of the park in which the signs are located.
         (g)   A written agreement shall be prepared by the city to be signed by the city and all involved parties, identifying the parameter of the advertising signs and responsibilities of maintenance and financing for the advertising signs.
   (E)   Planned unit development districts. Within a planned unit development district regulated by § 155.496 of this chapter, sign allowances shall be based upon the individual uses and structures within the development in compliance with the standards applied for the conventional zoning district where such uses are allowed, unless otherwise defined in the planned unit development agreement.
   (F)   Temporary and special event signs shall be allowed subject to the following regulations:
      (1)   In the residential zoning districts, not more than one special event sign may be located on any one lot or parcel at any time. The area of the special event sign shall comply with the regulations set forth in § 155.496(B)(1).
      (2)   In all other zoning districts:
         (a)   Number. No more than one temporary or special event sign per street front may be located on any one lot or parcel at any time.
         (b)   Size. The sign area shall not exceed 32 square feet on each side where the speed limit of the adjacent road is less than 45 miles per hour. The sign shall not exceed 64 square feet on each side in an area where the speed limit of the adjacent road is 45 miles per hours or greater;
         (c)   Location. Temporary signs must be located on the premises which is the subject of the temporary sign and must contain only messages related to said premises. For premises with multiple users or tenants, signs must be located a minimum of 100 feet apart. Special event signs may be located on or off-premise of the special event. When a special event sign is located off-premise, the number of days it is displayed shall count toward the 90 days that are allowed for the property the special event sign is located upon.
         (d)   Duration. A temporary or special event sign may be displayed for a cumulative total of 90 days per calendar year. A temporary or special event sign permit is required to be obtained prior to displaying the sign. A temporary sign may be displayed for a maximum of 30 additional days if it coincides with the grand opening of a business.
(Ord. 0701, passed 1-9-07; Am. Ord. 0703, passed 7-10-07; Am. Ord. 0807, passed 10-14-08; Am. Ord. 1003, passed 6-8-10; Am. Ord. 1106, passed 8-9-11; Am. Ord. 1401, passed 1-28-14; Am. Ord. 1603, passed 3-8-16; Am. Ord. 1604, passed 5-10-16; Am. Ord. 1605, passed 8-9-16; Am. Ord. 1704, passed 10-24-17; Am. Ord. 1705, passed 12-12-17; Am. Ord. 1801, passed 3-27-18; Am. Ord. 1806, passed 10-23-18; Am. Ord. 1901, passed 1-8-19; Am. Ord. 1902, passed 5-14-19; Am. Ord. 2001, passed 7-14-20)