§ 155.070 ANIMALS.
   (A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AGRICULTURAL USE. The use of land for the growing and/or production of field crops, livestock, and livestock products for the production of income including, but not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Field crops, including: barley, soybeans, corn, hay, oats, potatoes, rye, sorghum, and sunflowers;
      (2)   Livestock, including: dairy and beef cattle, goats, horses, sheep, hogs, poultry, game birds, and other animals such as ponies, deer, and mink;
      (3)   Livestock products, including: milk, butter, cheese, eggs, fur, and honey.
      (1)   A unit of measure used to compare differences in the production of animal waste which has as a standard the amount of waste produced on a regular basis by a slaughter steer or heifer.
      (2)   For purposes of these regulations, the following equivalents apply. Equivalents for other animals shall be defined by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
         Animal            Animal Units
      One slaughter steer or
       heifer (all cattle)            1.0
      One mature dairy cow         1.4
      One swine over 55 pounds          .4
      One sheep               .1
      One turkey               .018
      One chicken               .01
      One duck               .02
      One horse               1.0
   (B)   Livestock and other animals.
      (1)   Livestock, poultry, and farm animals shall only be kept on any residential lots or parcels of at least four acres in size or in an agricultural district of the city. Animals shall be allowed at a maximum density of .50 animal unit per acre. These restrictions shall not apply to normal farm operations existing prior to the adoption of this chapter. Livestock shall include those animals listed in division (A)(2) above under the definition of "agricultural use."
      (2)   In the zoning districts identified in division (B)(1) above, on parcels over four acres in size, animals and the permitted animal density shall be governed by any applicable Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regulation and the city’s feedlot ordinance as may be amended from time to time.
      (3)   Any building where livestock, farm animals and poultry are kept, open feedlots, and solid manure storage areas, including short term stockpiling sites shall be setback a distance of 100 feet from the property line or road easement and shall conform to the setbacks listed in § 155.071; setbacks from dwelling units shall be maintained as outlined in § 155.071. For regulations regarding pre-ordinance feedlots and post-ordinance feedlots, see § 155.071(H)(1)(d)2.(a and b).
      (4)   In all zoning districts, the manure from livestock and domestic pets shall be properly treated and disposed of with best management practices and shall not be allowed to accumulate in any manner which may cause public health problems.
      (5)   The keeping of more than two dogs on any parcel for any reason shall be deemed a kennel. Kennels are permitted only to those holding a kennel license.
(Ord. 110, passed 11-15-97; Am. Ord. 115, passed 3-24-98; Am. Ord. 0605, passed 7-25-06; Am. Ord. 0807, passed 10-14-08; Am. Ord. 1003, passed 6-8-10; Am. Ord. 1106, passed 8-9-11; Am. Ord. 1401, passed 1-28-14; Am. Ord. 1603, passed 3-8-16) Penalty, see § 155.999
   Animals; dogs; number permitted on one premises, see § 90.12