(A)   Commercial wireless facility standards. Antennas and towers are regulated differently depending on the zoning district in which that property is located. Antennas and towers supporting commercial antennas conforming to all applicable provisions of this code shall be allowed by a conditional use permit as described in the following districts:
      (1)   All districts. Antennas attached to water towers are not restricted by height requirements, provided that the antennas blend into and do not extend more than 20 feet above the height of the water tower structure.
      (2)   General Agriculture (A-1). The maximum height of any tower, including all antennas and other attachments, shall not exceed two feet for each foot the tower is setback from the property line, up to a maximum height of 150 feet.
      (3)   Residential Districts (R-1, R-2, R-3, & R-4).  
         (a)   Towers shall only be allowed with a conditional use permit in the following residentially zoned locations unless no sites exist that can reasonably serve the needs of the owner of the proposed new facility/tower:
            1.   Church sites, when camouflaged as steeples or bell towers;
            2.   Park sites, when compatible with the nature of the park; and,
            3.   Government, school, utility, and institutional sites.
         (b)   In all protected residential property the maximum height of any tower, including all antennas and other attachments, shall be 35 feet. In all residential zoning districts other than protected residential property, the maximum height of any tower, including all antennas and other attachments, shall not exceed one foot for each foot the tower is setback from the property line, up to a maximum height of 150 feet.
      (4)   Commercial (B-1 & B-2). The maximum height of any tower, including all antennas and other attachments, shall not exceed 150 feet in height. A tower must be setback from a residentially zoned property a minimum of one foot for each one foot of height.
      (5)   General Industry (I-1). The maximum height of any tower, including all antennas and other attachments, shall not exceed 150 feet in height. A tower must be setback from a residentially zoned property a minimum of one foot for each one foot of height.
   (B)   Antennas mounted on roofs and walls. Antennas may be attached to an existing building’s roof or wall if it meets the provisions of this chapter and the following conditions:
      (1)   The antenna meets the height restrictions of the relevant district.
      (2)   The antenna does not extend more than ten feet above the highest point of the structure.
   (C)   Non-commercial wireless facility (amateur radio antenna) standards. Towers supporting amateur radio antennas and conforming to all applicable provisions of these regulations shall be allowed only in the rear yard of residentially zoned parcels. In accordance with the Federal Communications Commission’s preemptive ruling PRB1, towers erected for the purpose of supporting amateur radio antennas may exceed 35 feet in height provided that a determination is made by the Zoning Administrator that the proposed tower height is technically necessary to successfully engage in amateur radio communications.
(Ord. 127, passed 10-12-99; Am. Ord. 1401, passed 1-28-14)