(A)   No tower shall be over 150 feet in height or within one mile of another tower regardless of municipal/township boundaries.
   (B)   A proposal for a new wireless service tower shall not be approved unless it can be shown by the applicant that the telecommunication equipment planned for the proposed tower cannot be accommodated:
      (1)   On an existing tower or structure, or
      (2)   On a tower that has already been permitted (even though it might not yet be constructed)
      (3)   On a tower whose application is currently pending before the city.
   (C)   No temporary mobile cell sites are permitted except in the case of equipment failure, equipment testing, or in the case of an emergency situation as authorized by the County Sheriff. Use of temporary mobile cell sites for testing purposes shall be limited to 24 hours; use of temporary mobile cell sites for equipment failure or in the case of emergency situations shall be limited to a term of 30 days. These limits can be extended by the Zoning Administrator.
   (D)   Permanent platforms or structures, exclusive of antennas, other than those necessary for safety purposes or for tower maintenance are prohibited.
(Ord. 127, passed 10-12-99; Am. Ord. 0204, passed 8-13-02) Penalty, see § 153.99