(A) Raising and demolition of buildings. No buildings or structures shall be raised or demolished within the city without first applying for and securing a permit therefor from the Building Official, and paying a fee in the amount duly set by the City Council from time to time.
(B) Plans and specifications.
(1) With each application for a building permit, and when required by the Building Official for enforcement of any provisions of this code, two sets of plans and specifications shall be submitted, together with a certificate of survey of the lot upon which the proposed building or construction is to be done.
(2) All plans and specifications, except for single-family dwellings or any other buildings the total cost of which does not exceed $30,000, or for any other building exempted by statute, shall be prepared and signed by a registered architect or a registered professional engineer duly qualified by registration as required by M.S. § 326.02.
(C) Certificate of survey. The certificate of survey shall provide the following information and be attested to by a registered land surveyor duly qualified by registration as required by M.S. § 326.02.
(1) Scale of drawing.
(2) Legal description.
(3) Dimensions of the lot and north arrow.
(4) Dimensions of front, rear and side yards.
(5) Locations of all existing buildings on the lot.
(6) Location of the proposed buildings or construction.
(7) Location of stakes established by the surveyor along each side lot line a distance of 35 feet, and 65 feet from the front lot corners. The maintenance of these stakes, once established by the surveyor, shall be the responsibility of the building permit applicant.
(8) Location and elevation of any existing foundation(s) and/or drain ways adjacent to the parcel.
(9) The location of all easements as shown on record plats.
(10) Grade elevations of the following points:
(a) Each lot corner, either existing or proposed.
(b) Crown of proposed streets at each lot line extended.
(c) Proposed lawn and driveway elevation at the street side of the building (driveway slopes shall not exceed 10% slope).
(d) Any catch basin or manhole.
(e) Any emergency overflow point.
(f) Top of foundation, garage floor, lowest floor, and lowest opening.
(g) Elevations shall be based on sea level datum, and shall be tied by the surveyor to a benchmark. The elevation shall be obtained from the developer and the approved grading plan. When there is no development grading plan, the City Engineer shall assist in establishing a benchmark elevation.
(h) An emergency spillway (emergency outlet) from ponding areas shall be installed a minimum of one foot below the lowest building opening and shall be designed to have a capacity to overflow water at an elevation below the lowest building opening at a rate of not less than three times the 100-year peak discharge rate from the basin or the anticipated 100-year peak inflow rate to the basin, whichever is higher as determined by the City of St. Michael Engineering Guidelines and the Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan.
(i) The high water levels of the storm water ponding areas shall be based on a 100-year storm. The minimum freeboard above the established high water levels for the lowest building floor shall be two feet as determined by the City of St. Michael Engineering Guidelines.
(11) The proposed disposal or drainage of surface waters (drainage arrows shall indicate the direction of surface water).
(a) A permit is issued with the expectation that the relative elevations of the proposed lot and the established or proposed street grade shall not conflict in such a manner as to cause damage by altering the drainage or flow of surface waters to the street or nearby streets or to adjacent or nearby premises.
(b) All grades on drainage swales and driveways shall have a minimum of 2% slope.
(c) All grades shall be maximum 3:1 slope. Grades exceeding 3:1 shall require retaining walls or approved soil retention methods. When retaining walls are required, location and height shall be noted. Retaining walls in excess of four feet shall require and engineered design approved by the City Engineer.
(d) The City Building Official may deny a permit for the construction of a building or structure upon ground determined by the Building Official to be too low for proper drainage. In the course of construction, alteration, repair or moving of any building or structure, no obstruction, diversion, ridging or defining (temporary or permanent) of the existing channel or any natural waterway through or over which any lake, stream or surface water naturally flows shall be made without approval of the City Engineer or other city officials in possession of such information.
(Ord. 0201, passed 2-12-02; Am. Ord. 0702, passed 6-26-07)