For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
“BILLBOARD.” Also known as an “outdoor advertising sign” or an “off-premises sign”, a sign used to display, advertise, or otherwise direct attention to any activity or any business enterprise, commodity, or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered at a location other than the premises on which the sign is located.
“BULLETIN BOARD.” Any temporary sign erected by a charitable, educational, or religious institution or a public body, which is erected upon the same property as said institution, for the purpose of announcing related affiliated seasonal events. A bulletin board shall not be considered an off-premises sign.
“CHANGEABLE MESSAGE DISPLAY.” Any sign or portion thereof with characters, letters, illustrations, or other display that can be changed or rearranged electronically, mechanically, or manually without altering the face or surface of a sign. A sign on which the only copy that changes is an indication of time or temperature shall be considered a “time and temperature” portion of a sign and not a changeable copy sign.
“DISPLAY SURFACE AREA.” The gross geometric area enclosed by the display surface of the sign including the outer extremities of all letters, characters, and delineations, and including structural supports and decorative embellishments for portable sign above the lowest part of the sign panel or message; provided further that both faces of a double face sign shall be added together in determining the display surface area to which the fees are applied; provided further that in no event shall area computed herein be less than areas as defined in the city zoning ordinance relating to sign size and location.
“ERECT.” To build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend, paint, or affix a sign.
“FACE.” A surface lying in a single plane.
“FREE STANDING SIGN.” A sign which is attached to a part of a completely self-supporting structure. The supporting structure shall be firmly in or below the ground surface and not attached to any building or any other structure, whether portable or stationary.
“NON-CONFORMING SIGN.” A sign existing at the effective date of the adoption of this chapter and for which a St. Matthews sign permit has previously been issued or could have been issued by the city without Council approval which could not be built under the terms of this chapter or the now existing zoning district regulations for the city.
“OFF-PREMISES SIGN.” A sign other than an on-premises sign.
“ON-PREMISES SIGN.” A sign relating in its subject matter to the premises on which it is located, or to products, accommodations, services, or activities on the premises.
“PORTABLE SIGN.” A single or double faced painted or poster panel type sign or some variation thereof, which is temporary in nature and located on the ground or mounted on wheels, easily movable, and not permanently attached and sometimes referred to as a “small freestanding sign”. No such sign may exceed 32 square feet of surface area per face with no more than two faces.
“SIGN.” Means and includes every device, frame, figure, character, letter, mark, plane, point, design, picture, stroke, stripe, trademark, or reading matter which is used or intended to be used to attract attention or convey information when the same is placed in view of the general public without regard to whether it is freestanding, attached to a wall or other structure, or affixed to the inside or outside of a window or a door. Where matter is displayed in a random manner without organized relationship to elements, or where there is reasonable doubt as to the relationship of elements, each element shall be considered a single sign.
“TEMPORARY BANNER.” The one temporary attached banner allowed by the zoning regulations in the commercial and industrial zoning districts and differentiated from a portable sign.
“WINDOW.” The combined area of the window pane(s) or glass, the header, the jamb, the sill, and any muntins or mullions within a single wail opening.
“WINDOW SIGN.” Any sign or combination of signs attached or affixed to a window, which sign or signs, in the aggregate, occupy more than 25% of the area of the single wall opening. A window sign is an attached sign. Retail store window displays of merchandise, freestanding three-dimensional promotional items (with or without proprietary words or symbols solely describing the merchandise and/or merchandise that is sold in the store), and/or display fixtures or backdrops not affixed to a window shall not be considered a window sign.
(Ord. 95-06, passed 7-25-95; amend. Ord. 14-06, passed 7-22-14)