Applications for an original franchise grant hereunder shall be filed with the City Clerk, and shall contain the following written information and provisions:
   (A)   Bid bond. Applications shall be submitted with the bid bond as required by the requirements of § 113.08 of this chapter.
   (B)   Name and address of applicant. The name and business address of the applicant, date of application, and signature of applicant or appropriate corporate officer.
   (C)   Description of proposed operation. A general description of the applicant's proposed operation, including, but not limited to: business hours, operating staff, maintenance procedures, management and marketing staff complement and procedures, rules of operation for public access, a statement of services to be provided, and a description of the system design as required by § 113.14(B).
   (D)   Special services. A statement setting forth a description of any automated services proposed as well as a description of the production facilities to be made available by the franchisee for public, municipal, and educational access channels.
   (E)   Programming assistance. A statement explaining any assistance, in terms of personnel, equipment, or capacity, to be designated for the programming or programming assistance for the public, educational, and governmental access channels.
   (F)   Rates. A statement of the applicant's proposed rates in conformity with this chapter.
   (G)   Applicant organization.
      (1)   If the applicant is an individual, partnership, or unincorporated association, it shall state the names and addresses of all persons including corporations having a proprietary or equitable interest in and to the applicant's business operation, and in and to the prospective franchise if awarded. The term "EQUITABLE INTEREST" shall include all assignments of any right or privilege under the prospective franchise, and shall also include any benefit, payment, or emolument resulting from the grant of a franchise under this chapter.
      (2)   If the applicant is a nonpublic corporation, the application shall state, additionally, the names and addresses of the officers, directors, and shareholders of the corporation, together with the number of shares held by each shareholder.
      (3)   If the applicant is a publicly held corporation, as defined by the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the statement shall contain the states in which incorporated and qualified to do business, the names and addresses of the officers and directors of the corporation, the names and addresses and number of shares owned of all stockholders both nominal and beneficial, owning 3% or more of the outstanding stock of the applicant.
      (4)   A full disclosure of the ownership of the facilities to be used in rendering the service.
   (H)   Intracompany relationships. A statement describing all intracompany relationships of the applicant, including parent, subsidiary, or affiliated companies.
   (I)   Agreements and understandings. A statement setting forth all agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, existing between the applicant and any other person, firm, group, or corporation with respect to any franchise awarded and the conduct of the operation existing at the time the application is made.
   (J)   Financial statements. Audited financial statements for the applicant's two latest fiscal years unless applicant has not been in existence for at least two years, in which case applicant shall furnish audited financial statements for such lesser period of time covering the period that the applicant has been in existence. If the applicant is a partnership, audited financial statements shall include copies of the federal partnership income tax return for its latest two fiscal years or such lesser period of time that partnership has been in existence.
   (K)   Financial support. Suitable written evidence from a recognized financing institution addressed both to the applicant and to the City Council advising that the applicant's planned operation has been analyzed by the institution and that the financing institution is prepared to make the required funds available to applicant if it is awarded a franchise. If the planned operation is to be internally financed, a corporate board resolution or statement from a qualified officer of the applicant shall be supplied authorizing the obtainment and expenditure of such funds as are required to construct, install, and operate the cable communications system contemplated hereunder.
   (L)   Technical description. A technical description of the type of network proposed by the applicant, including, but not limited to, network configuration, such as a hub, network capacity, two-way operation capability and service to be provided, and a description of the studio or studios, studio equipment, planned hours of operation and hours of availability, if any, that same will be made available to governmental, public, and educational institutions or agencies.
   (M)   Engineering statement. A statement from the applicant's senior technical staff member, or consultant, advising that he has reviewed this chapter and that the applicant's planned network and operations thereof will meet all the requirements set forth herein.
   (N)   Existing franchises. A statement of existing franchises held by the applicant indicating,with particularity, when the franchises were issued and when the systems were constructed together with the name, address, and phone number of a responsible governmental official knowledgeable of the applicant in each such franchise area.
   (O)   Convictions. A statement as to whether the applicant or any of its officers or directors or holders of 3% or more of its voting stock or bonded indebtedness has in the past ten years been convicted of any crime which in any way is related to the operation and performance of a cable communications system or in any way relates to the applicant's ability or competency to perform its obligations under this chapter.
   (P)   Operating experience. A statement detailing the prior CATV experience of the applicant including that of the applicant's officers, management, and staff to be associated with the proposed operation.
   (Q)   Franchise renewal information. If an application is for renewal of a franchise, the proposal must include, in addition to the information required in divisions (A) through (Q) above:
      (1)   A summary of the technical, financial, and programming history of the network since the granting of the original franchise.
      (2)   A statement and timetable that outlines all proposed changes, expansion, or improvements in the network as to services, programming or technical specifications during the forthcoming 15-year period.
   (R)   Additional requirements. Ten copies of the application shall be filed. Supplementary, additional, or other information that the applicant deems reasonable for consideration may be submitted at the same time as an application, but must be separately bound and submitted in the above number of copies. The city may, at its discretion, consider such additional information as part of the application.
   (S)   Supplementation to applications. The City Council reserves the right to require such supplementary, additional, or other information that it deems reasonably necessary for its determinations.
(Ord. 6, passed 6-12-79)