City Recorder
135.01   Appointment; term.
135.02   Oath; bond.
135.03   Duties generally.
135.04   Duties as City Collector.
Appointment; removal - see CHTR. §6
Powers and duties - see CHTR. §7
Oath; bond - see CHTR . §13
Records - see CHTR. §17
Position established - see W. Va. Code 8-5-7
Powers and duties generally - see W. Va. Code 8-10-3
   The City Recorder shall be appointed by Council within a reasonable time after the general election in the year in which the Mayor and Council are elected and shall hold office at the pleasure of Council, and after, until his successor is appointed and qualified.
(1972 Code §2-7-1)
135.02  OATH; BOND.
   Before entering upon the duties of his office, the City Recorder shall take the oath prescribed by law and shall give bond conditioned according to law in the amount of seventy- five hundred dollars ($7,500). (1972 Code §2-7-2)
   The City Recorder shall:
   (a)    Keep a record of all proceedings, including the minutes of all meetings of Council;
   (b)    Issue all orders payable from City funds, which orders must be countersigned by the Mayor;
   (c)    Keep a record of all fines and penalties imposed and paid;
   (d)    Keep proper financial records of all funds coming into his hands as such Recorder;
   (e)    Do the clerical work pertaining to the Municipal government of the City;
   (f)   Make such purchases for and in behalf of the City as shall be directed by Council;
   (g)    Make such minor purchases of office and general supplies as may be necessary and submit proper statements thereof to Council;
   (h)    Receive for presentment to Council all bills and accounts for materials, supplies and labor, after the same shall have been inspected and approved by proper officials authorizing the same;
   (i)    Present to Council at each meeting thereof all bills and accounts theretofore so received;
   (j)    Have charge of the seal of the City and, when necessary, shall affix such seal to all documents and contracts to which the City is a party;
   (k)    Issue all licenses and permits granted by the City;
   (l)    Prepare and make for the City all reports required of it by the State or any official department or any agency thereof;
   (m)    Perform all such other general or special duties as from time to time may be required by Council. (1972 Code §2-7-3)
   The City Recorder shall act as City Collector, and as such shall:
   (a)    Collect all moneys for property taxes, licenses, parking meter fees, special services, fines and penalties, water rents, sewerage charges, dog taxes, special assessments, and all other levies or charges due the City;
   (b)    Pay out moneys only on orders authorized by Council and countersigned by the Mayor;
   (c)    Render to Council, or the finance committee thereof, quarterly statements of the status and amount of moneys on hand, and collections and disbursements for such period, as to all funds and accounts kept and maintained by the City;
   (d)    Keep proper financial records, by proper funds, of all moneys received and disbursed;
   (e)    Have charge of and shall make all collections from courtesy boxes maintained by the City for the collection of parking penalties. 
      (1972 Code §2-7-4)