(A)   Establishment. The Ambulance Department is hereby established, the size and composition to be fixed by resolution of the Council.
   (B)   Administrative head. The head of the Ambulance Department shall be the Ambulance Manager, who shall be designated by the City Manager, subject to approval by the Council. Duties include assessment of fees, and documenting to the Council unpaid fees for certification to the County Auditor for collection.
   (C)   Operations. The Ambulance Manager and City Manager shall prepare rules of administration and operation for the Ambulance Department. A report of the rules of administration and operation shall be submitted to the Council for adoption by resolution.
   (D)   Finances. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall create a fund within the city’s books and records for receipts, and disbursements of moneys, of the Ambulance Department. All city funding, and receipts for services, shall be recorded in the fund, and all disbursements recommended by the Ambulance Manager will be recorded, and issued, by the City Clerk-Treasurer upon approval by the Council.
(Prior Code, § 2.25) (Ord. 209, second series, passed 10-2-2007)