145.10 HOLIDAYS.
   (a)   All full-time employees of the City are hereby granted twelve and one-half paid holidays per year as follows:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King’s Birthday
President’s Day
Good Friday (1/2 day afternoon)
Memorial Day   
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day After Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve (1/2 day afternoon)
Christmas Day
December 31 (1/2 day afternoon)
(Ord. 1998-129. Passed 10-27-98.)
   (b)   For purposes of determining the pay to be given those employees paid on an hourly basis, eight hours shall be determined to be a normal work day for full-time employees.
   (c)    Employees whose salary is determined by virtue of being paid annually shall have such annual pay reduced to a monthly salary and further reduced to a daily wage and those employees shall receive their holiday pay based upon such daily wage.
(Ord 1976-76. Passed 5-11-76.)
   (d)    (1)    All employees of the City of Steubenville eligible herein shall receive, in the pay period during which a holiday falls, their regular rate of pay. In addition thereto, employees who have completed four (4) years of service with the City of Steubenville, shall receive an additional pay for said holiday with said pay to be based upon the employee's regular rate of pay with said payment to be made on the 15th of July for those holidays which fall between the period of December 15th to June 15th of each year, and on the 15th of December for those holidays that fall between the period of June 15th through December 14th of each year. Said additional pay shall be paid regardless of whether or not an employee works, and in the event that an employee of the City of Steubenville is required to work on a holiday, said employee shall receive an additional pay on the 15th day of July or the 15th day of December for one-half time for the time that was worked.
         (Ord. 2023-61. Passed 6-20-23.)
      (2)    Any employee not reporting to work on at least one-half of his or her regularly scheduled days of work immediately before or immediately after a holiday shall forfeit any holiday pay to which the employee is entitled. This does not apply to any employee not regularly scheduled for work on those turns immediately preceding or following the holidays, or to any employee missing work because of a prior injury or extended illness. (Ord. 1981-28. Passed 2-24-81.)
   (e)    An employee who is on vacation during the pay period during which a holiday falls shall be paid as hereinabove set forth, regardless of the fact that the employee was on vacation. (Ord. 1976-76. Passed 5-11-76.)
   (f)    In the event that any of the holidays enumerated in this section fall on Saturday, the Friday immediately preceding shall be observed as the holiday. In the event that any of the holidays declared in this section fall on a Sunday, the Monday immediately succeeding shall be observed as the holiday. (Ord. 1977-187. Passed 12-6-77.)
   (g)    The benefits enumerated in Section 145.10 shall apply to all non-union, full-time employees and the City Manager of the City of Steubenville who are employed with the City of Steubenville upon passage of this ordinance and have completed four (4) years of service with the City. Union employees of the City are governed by holiday provisions of their respective union contracts. (Ord. 2023-61. Passed 6-20-23.)