As used in this chapter:
(a) "Blighted area" means an area in which a majority of the structures are detrimental to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare by reason of age, obsolescence, dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangement, mixture of incompatible land uses, lack of ventilation or sanitary facilities or any combination of these factors.
(b) "Deteriorating area" means an area which is not a blighted area but which, because of incompatible land uses, nonconforming uses, lack of adequate parking facilities, faulty street arrangement, inadequate community facilities, increased density of population without commensurate increases in new residential buildings and community facilities, high turnover in residential or commercial occupancy, lack of maintenance and repair of buildings, or any combination thereof, is detrimental to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare and which will deteriorate or is in danger of deteriorating into a blighted area.
(c) "Commission" means the Steubenville Planning and Zoning Commission.
(d) "Preliminary plan" means a plan prepared by the Planning and Zoning Commission for an urban renewal area.
(e) "Project area" means a blighted or deteriorating area for which an urban renewal plan has been prepared. A project area shall consist of or be located within one or more urban renewal areas.
(f) "Redeveloper" means any person, firm, public agency or corporation purchasing property within a project area for use in accordance with the urban renewal plan.
(g) "Redevelopment" means the acquisition of property in a blighted area, the demolition of the structures thereon, the making of site improvements, including the construction or reconstruction of buildings, streets, playgrounds, parks, utilities and other public improvements, and the sale of such property for use in accordance with an urban renewal plan.
(h) "Rehabilitation" means the restoration, rehabilitation or conservation of a deteriorating or blighted area by:
(1) Formulating and carrying out a plan for a program of voluntary improvement, modernization, repair or rehabilitation of privately owned structures;
(2) The acquisition of real estate and the demolition, reconstruction or removal of buildings thereon where necessary to eliminate unhealthful, insanitary or unsafe conditions, lessen density or eliminate blight or incompatible land uses detrimental to the public health and welfare;
(3) Otherwise removing or preventing the spread of blight or deterioration;
(4) Constructing or reconstructing necessary buildings, streets, playgrounds, utilities, parks and other public improvements;
(5) Acquiring and clearing land for development of privately owned community facilities; and
(6) Disposing, for uses in accordance with the urban renewal plan, of property acquired.
(i) "Urban Projects Director" means that person who is responsible for the administration of urban renewal for the City.
(j) "Urban renewal" means the redevelopment of a blighted area or areas or the rehabilitation of a deteriorating or blighted area or areas, or a combination thereof. "Urban renewal" shall also be construed to refer to "community development" as such term is used in the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, as may be applicable.
(k) "Urban renewal area" means a blighted or deteriorating area which is appropriate for redevelopment or rehabilitation.
(l) "Urban renewal plan" means a plan, as it exists from time to time, for the urban renewal of a project area. The plan shall be in general conformance to the preliminary plan and recommendations of the Commission for the urban renewal area or areas in which the project area is located.
(Ord. 1966-39. Passed 2-15-66.)