Compliance with the following standards in addition to the applicable requirements contained elsewhere in this Zoning Code shall be required for all shopping centers.
(a) General Standards for all Shopping Centers.
(1) Access. Points of vehicular ingress and egress shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of section 1185.13 of this chapter.
(2) Management. Shopping centers shall be under single unified management and control which shall clearly establish centralized responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the project including all common areas.
(3) Signs. There shall be only one (1) free-standing sign per each street frontage which shall be designed and used for the purpose of announcing the shopping center itself in compliance with the applicable provisions of this chapter.
(4) Parking. Off-street parking shall comply with the requirements of section 1185.27 of this chapter
(5) Circulation. Traffic circulation within a shopping center project shall be designed to minimize pedestrian and vehicular mixing and congestion in accordance with the applicable provisions of this chapter. Traffic circulation shall be provided along the outer perimeters of the parking area, along store entrances and along the rear of building/structures for all community and regional shopping centers in the "B-2", B-2A" and "B-3" commercial districts.
(b) Standards for Neighborhood Shopping Centers. In addition to those requirements contained elsewhere in this Zoning Code, the following standards shall apply:
(1) Where Permitted. Neighborhood shopping centers shall be permitted in the "B-2", "B-2A" and "B-5" commercial districts.
(2) Access. All neighborhood shopping centers shall have direct access to at least a collector street.
(3) Lot Area. The minimum area of any site in the "B-2A" and "B-5" Districts shall be four (4) contiguous acres. No minimum site area shall apply in the "B-2" and "B-5" Districts.
(4) Floor Area. The total gross floor area shall not exceed fifty thousand (50,000) square feet.
(5) Number of Stores. Not more than five (5) individual stores, shops or offices shall be permitted in the shopping center project.
(c) Standards for Community Shopping Centers. In addition to those requirements contained elsewhere in this Zoning Code, the following standards shall apply:
(1) Where Permitted. Community shopping centers shall be permitted in the "B-2" and "B-2A" commercial districts.
(2) Access. All community shopping centers shall have direct access to at least an arterial street.
(3) Lot Area. The minimum area of any site in the "B-2A" District shall be twenty (20) contiguous acres. No minimum site area shall apply in the "B-2" District.
(4) Floor Area. The total gross floor area shall not exceed two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) square feet.
(5) Number of Stores. Not more than twenty (20) individual stores, shops or offices shall be permitted in the shopping center project site. All stores, shops or offices are not necessarily required to be contained on a single lot or within a single building.
(d) Standards for Regional Shopping Centers. In addition to those requirements contained elsewhere in this Zoning Code, the following standards shall apply:
(1) Where Permitted. Regional shopping centers shall be permitted in the "B-3" Regional Commercial District.
(2) Access. All regional shopping centers shall have direct access to at least an arterial street.
(3) Lot Area. The minimum area of any site shall be forty (40) contiguous acres which may consist of a single tract under common ownership, or adjacent tracts under separate ownership with an aggregate area of at least forty (40) acres.
(4) Floor Area. The total aggregate gross floor area shall be greater than two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) square feet.
(5) Number of Stores. More than twenty (20) individual stores, shops or offices shall be required in the shopping center project site. All stores, shops or offices are not necessarily required to be contained on a single lot or within a single building, however regional shopping centers shall be planned and constructed with maximum consideration given to the relationship of buildings to common areas, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular access, and other commercial buildings on the site.
(Ord. 2016-11. Passed 4-12-16.)