Outdoor furnaces shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) Location. Outdoor furnaces shall be installed and used only on parcels greater than one (1) acre in size. Outdoor furnaces shall be located at least two hundred fifty (250) feet from the nearest residential, commercial, industrial or public/semi-public building not located on the same lot or site as the furnace. Such outdoor furnaces shall be considered accessory structures or uses and shall also comply with the requirements of Section 1185.01. If there is a residence on the same lot or site as the outdoor furnace which is within two hundred fifty (250) feet of the furnace, then the furnace must have an attached permanent stack extending higher than the highest roof line of the residence.
(b) Fuel. Only clean wood, corn, pellets or bio-fuel shall be used in an outdoor furnace. No rubbish, garbage, food wastes, food wraps, packaging materials, animal carcasses, paint or painted materials, varnish or varnished materials, furniture, shingles, construction or demolition debris, waste oil, asphalt or products containing asphalt, treated lumber or composite wood products, plastic materials, nylon, PVC, ABS, polystyrene or urethane, synthetic fabrics, plastic films or plastic containers, tar or products containing tar, and rubber including tires and synthetic rubber-like products shall be burned shall be burned in an outdoor furnace unless specific written approval has been obtained in advance from the Fire Chief.
(c) Hazards. When the Fire Department or Health Department determines that an outdoor furnace has become a health or safety hazard, or a public nuisance, such department may order the cessation of operations of the furnace either on a temporary or permanent basis.
(d) Use. Outdoor furnaces shall not be the only or primary heat source for a building or structure and may only be used to provide supplemental heating assistance. Outdoor furnaces shall be used only from September 15th through May 15th of each year unless specific written approval has been obtained in advance from the Fire Chief to use the furnace at other times.
(Ord. 2016-11. Passed 4-12-16.)