(a) An accessory building or use in a residential district or accessory to a residential use and not attached to the principal structure may be located in any required rear yard provided:
(1) Such building or use shall not exceed one (1) story or be more than fifteen (15) feet in height.
(2) Such building or use shall be set back at least three (3) feet from any lot line and five (5) feet from any public right-of-way line.
(3) All such buildings and uses in the aggregate shall not occupy more than thirty (30) percent of the area of the rear yard.
(4) Accessory buildings and uses other than garages shall not be permitted in any side yard.
(5) On all corner lots, accessory buildings and uses other than garages shall not be permitted in the yard which abuts the secondary street.
(6) On reverse frontage lots, accessory buildings and uses shall be set back at least twenty-five (25) feet from the rear property line.
(7) Garages must be used for the storage or parking of not more than four (4) motor vehicles owned by the occupants of the premises.
(8) Vegetable gardens shall not be permitted in any front yard or on corner lots in any yard which abuts the secondary street. There shall be no limit to the size of vegetable gardens accessory to residential uses.
(b) Accessory buildings and uses for principal uses other than residential shall be located not closer than ten (10) feet to any side or rear property line abutting a residential lot.
(c) When an accessory structure is attached to a principal building, it shall comply in all respects with the requirements of this Zoning Code applicable to the principal building.
(d) No accessory building or use shall project nearer to the street on which the principal building fronts than the setback line of the principal building.
(e) In addition to the requirements of this section, building and uses accessory to principal buildings which have been listed individually or by district on the Steubenville Register of Historic Places, must also comply with the requirements of Chapter 1177 of this Zoning Code.
(f) All accessory buildings and uses shall be ancillary to, subordinate to and customarily incidental to a principal use on the same lot or site to which they are accessory.
(Ord. 2016-11. Passed 4-12-16.)