Agricultural uses shall comply with the following standards:
(a) Use. Agricultural uses shall be considered accessory uses in the "R-A" Residential Agricultural District, in addition to those uses customarily incidental to single-family detached dwellings. Agricultural buildings or uses as defined herein, shall also include stables, barns, coops, silos and other facilities customarily used in agricultural operations.
(b) Lot Size Requirements. In addition to the minimum lot area, width, depth and yard requirements for the principal residential use, a minimum of two (2) acres of pasture must be provided for domestic livestock use. No minimum area shall be required for cropland, orchards, groves, vineyards, or non-commercial greenhouses; however such activity cannot take place within the required yard area for the residential use.
(c) Setback Requirements. All buildings and structures housing animals, and any buildings or structures used to store feed or other materials used for domestic livestock use and non-commercial greenhouses, shall be located a minimum of thirty-five (35) feet from all property lines, or shall comply with the setback required by the "R-A" zoning district, whichever is greater. A minimum setback of one hundred (100) feet shall be provided between any area or structure used for the storage of animal wastes and all property lines, street right-of-way lines, wetlands and waterways. Land used for cropland, pasture, orchards, groves, vineyards, or non-commercial greenhouses shall not be located within the required yard area for residential dwellings, and shall not be located within street rights-of-way.
(d) Fencing Requirements. All animals shall be kept within a fenced enclosure at all times when said animals are not leashed, haltered, or bridled and under the direct control of the owner or an authorized agent of the owner of the animals. Small animals must be kept within enclosed buildings or escape proof structures and facilities.
(e) Height Restrictions. The height restrictions for accessory buildings or structures associated with agricultural use shall comply with the height restrictions applicable to the principal residential use in the "R-A" zoning district.
(f) Accessory Buildings and Structures. An accessory building or structure associated with agricultural use shall be exempt from the requirements of Section 1185.01 so long as the proposed building or structure complies with the requirements of this section.
(g) Unenclosed Storage. The unenclosed storage articles or items for agricultural use including but not limited to, equipment or vehicles, livestock feed, and building or fencing materials, shall not be permitted. Animal bedding may be stored outside of a structure or building so long as such material is stored a minimum of thirty-five (35) feet from any property line, street right-of-way line, wetland or waterway. Animal wastes shall be stored in accordance with the setback requirements contained herein and shall be completely removed at least once per year.
(h) Nuisance Effect. The agricultural use shall not constitute a nuisance with regard to noise, odor, insects, rodents, dust, vibration, or other nuisance effects beyond the property lines of the parcel upon which the use is located.
(i) Compliance with other Regulations. The proposed use shall comply with all applicable State, Federal and local regulations, including, but not limited to, nutrient/manure/waste management; building, health and safety codes; erosion and sedimentation control and storm water management, as well as standards for signs, lighting, parking and access.
(Ord. 2016-11. Passed 4-12-16.)