No sale as described in Section 727.01 shall be licensed in the month of December nor shall the sale be licensed or permitted for a period of more than thirty days, Sundays and legal holidays excepted. The thirty days shall be consecutive except as to Sundays and legal holidays. However, if the licensee does not sell the quantity of merchandise listed in the application for a license, he may make application for extension of the license to the City Manager and if upon investigation the City Manager is satisfied as to the truth of the statements contained in the application for renewal, he shall issue a renewal license for a period not exceeding thirty days. A maximum of two such renewals may be granted, except that if cause can be shown to the satisfaction of the City Manager, additional thirty-day renewals may be granted until all the disposable inventory listed in the original application for a license is sold. No license shall be issued to any person to conduct a sale at the same location where the applicant has terminated a prior sale licensed hereunder within a period of eighteen months subsequent to the termination of the prior sale; nor shall a license be issued to a purchaser of stock at a sale licensed hereunder for a period of eighteen months subsequent to the purchase if such purchaser continues to conduct business under the same firm name as that used by the seller of the stock without having adopted a reasonable means of advertising the change in ownership to the public or where in fact no bona fide change in ownership has taken place and the purchase was a sham transaction intended to deceive the public; nor shall a license be issued to any person who has not been for a period of sixty days next preceding the sale, continuously engaged in the City in the business of selling goods, wares or merchandise at retail. No person who has been convicted of violating any of the provisions pertaining to a sale licensed hereunder shall be issued a license to conduct such a sale or be employed in any manner in the conduct of such a sale for a period of two years subsequent to such conviction. (Ord. 8416. Passed 3-1-55.)