The head lamps or the auxiliary driving lamp or the auxiliary passing lamp or combination thereof on motor vehicles other than motorcycles, motor driven cycles or snowmobiles, shall be so arranged that the driver may select at will between distributions of light projected to different elevations and such lamps may, in addition, be so arranged that such selection can be made automatically, subject to the following limitations:
A. There shall be an uppermost distribution of light, or composite beam, so aimed and of such intensity as to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least three hundred fifty feet (350') ahead for all conditions.
B. There shall be a lowermost distribution of light, or composite beam so aimed and of sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least one hundred feet (100') ahead; on a straight level road under any condition of loading, none of the high intensity portion of the beam shall be directed to strike the eyes of an approaching driver. (Ord. 77, 9-4-1973)