The following speed limits are established in the city:
A. In a business district, twenty (20) miles per hour. (Ord. 77, 9-4-1973)
B. In a residence or school district, twenty five (25) miles per hour, except:
1. On the portion of Main Street:
a. From the east edge of the city limits to a point one hundred (100) yards east of the railroad tracks, forty five (45) miles per hour;
b. From a point one hundred (100) yards east of the railroad tracks referred to in subsection B1a of this section to the intersection of County Road D35 with County Highway S-56, thirty five (35) miles per hour;
c. From Sixth Street to a point one hundred (100) yards west of the west edge of the Iowa River bridge, thirty five (35) miles per hour; and
d. From a point one hundred (100) yards west of the west edge of the Iowa River bridge referred to in subsection B1c of this section to the west edge of the city limits, forty five (45) miles per hour.
2. On First Street and County Highway S-56:
a. From the north edge of the city limits to a point on First Street one hundred (100) yards to the south, thirty (30) miles per hour;
b. From a point on First Street one hundred (100) yards to the south of the north edge of the city limits referred to in subsection B2a of this section to the junction of County Highway S-56 and County Road D35, thirty (30) miles per hour; and
c. From the junction of County Road D35 to the south edge of the city limits on County Highway S-56, forty five (45) miles per hour. (Ord. 87, 3-14-1977)
C. In an alley, fifteen (15) miles per hour. (Ord. 77, 9-4-1973; amd. 2004 Code)