§ 130.04 EXCEPTIONS.
   It is a defense to prosecution under § 130.01(B) if the minor was:
   (A)   Engaged in an employment activity, or going to or returning home from an employment activity, without any detour or atop;
   (B)   Involved in an emergency;
   (C)   Either:
      (1)   Attending an official school, religious or other recreational activity supervised by adults and/or sponsored by the City of St. Charles, the St. Charles Public Schools, the Winona County Fair Board, a civic organization or another similar entity that takes responsibility for the minor; or
      (2)   Within 45 minutes after the termination of an official school, religious or other recreational activity supervised by adults and/or sponsored by City of St. Charles, the St. Charles Public Schools, the Winona County Fair Board, a civic organization or another similar entity that takes responsibility for the minor, going to or returning home from the activity.
   (D)   On an errand at the direction of the minor's parent or guardian, without any detour or stop.
(Ord. 452, passed 11-14-2000)