(A)   General provisions.
      (1)   The purpose of this section is to alleviate or prevent congestion of the public streets, and so promote the safety and welfare of the public, by establishing minimum requirements for the off-street parking and loading and loading of motor vehicles in accordance with the use to which property is put.
      (2)   These provisions shall not apply to existing MU-BR area uses as long as the general use and purpose for which the property is now used shall be continued. This shall not exempt any business from municipal parking assessments.
      (3)   Floor area shall, for the purpose of calculating the number of off-street parking spaces, be the net useable floor area of the various floors, exclusive of hallways, utility spaces and storage areas other than warehousing.
      (4)   Under no circumstances shall required parking facilities accessory to residential structures in a residentially-zoned district be used for the storage of commercial vehicles or for parking of automobiles belonging to the employees, owner, tenants or customers of nearby commercial establishments.
      (5)   Required off-street parking spaces shall not be utilized for open storage of goods or for the storage of vehicles are that are inoperable, or for rent or for sale.
      (6)   Adequate space for snow storage shall be provided on the site so as not to reduce the required minimum number of parking spaces.
      (7)   Required off-street parking in the residential districts shall be on the same lot as the principal building.
   (B)   Location requirements. See § 157.058 of this chapter for location requirements.
   (C)   Joint parking facilities.
      (1)   This provision applies to all districts, except the residentially-zoned districts of the city.
      (2)   Required parking facilities serving two or more uses may be located on the same lot, with the following conditions or restrictions.
         (a)   There are a sufficient number of stalls to satisfy minimum parking requirements for each use within 400 feet of that use.
         (b)   The total number of parking spaces provided shall not be less than the sum total of the separate requirements for each use during any period when the parking facilities are utilized at the same time by two or more uses.
         (c)   The applicants may request a reduction in the total number of stalls provided. The applicant must prove that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the two or more buildings or uses for which joint use of off-street parking facilities is proposed, or that there is sufficient parking to accommodate peak-hour use for businesses with conflicting hours.
         (d)   A properly drawn legal instrument, approved by the City Attorney and executed by the parties concerned, for joint use of off-street parking facilities shall be filed with the City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer. The instrument shall be a three or more party agreement which shall include the city as one of the parties. Legal costs incurred by the city shall be reimbursed by the other parties involved in the agreement.
   (D)   Design standards.
      (1)   All off-street parking spaces shall be no less than nine feet in width and 18.5 feet in length, exclusive of access drives. All parking spaces shall be clearly marked. Minimum aisle width for accessing parking stalls will be dependent upon the angle of the parking stall (all dimensions in feet):
Parking Angle
Stall Width
Width Parallel to Drive Aisle
Length of Stripe
Drive Aisle Width
      (2)   All off-street parking facilities shall be designed and constructed with appropriate means of vehicular access to and from a public street.
      (3)   Except for single-family, two-family and townhouse dwellings, head-in parking directly off of and adjacent to a public street, with each stall having its own direct access to a public street, is prohibited.
      (4)   When calculating required stalls, each fraction shall constitute another space.
      (5)   All of the area intended to be utilized for parking space and driveways shall be surfaced with bituminous or concrete material to control dust and promote good drainage.
      (6)   Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area shall be hooded, shielded and arranged to reflect the light away and shield the light from abutting or nearby residential uses. A light meter may be used by the city to ensure compliance with the approved lighting plan.
      (7)   All open off-street parking areas shall provide a tire bumper or curb of adequate height and properly located to ensure that no part of any car will project beyond the required setback as identified in this chapter. In all zoning districts, except R-1 and R-2, the boundaries of all parking areas shall be defined by a curb of a design and material approved by the City Engineer.
   (E)   Parking requirements. The following minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be provided and maintained by ownership, easement and/or lease for and during the life of the respective uses hereinafter set forth:
      (1)   In auditoriums, churches and other places of public assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews or other similar seating facilities, each 22 inches of such seating facilities shall be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining required parking.
      (2)   Parking requirements for specific uses within any of the groups listed below are superseded by the section of the ordinance listing special restrictions and conditions for those specific uses:
         (a)   Residences (single-family, two-family and townhouse dwellings): a minimum of one open space and two enclosed garage parking spaces per dwelling unit;
         (b)   Multiple-family dwellings: a minimum of one open space and one enclosed garage space per dwelling unit;
         (c)   Churches, auditoriums, mortuaries: one space for every three and one-half seats based on the design capacity of the main assembly hall;
         (d)   Theater, athletic field: one space for each four seats of design capacity;
         (e)   Elementary and junior high schools: one space for each employee, plus one space per classroom;
         (f)   Pool halls, community center, post offices, lodges, private and public clubs: ten spaces, plus one space for each 300 square feet of floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet of floor area in the principal structure;
         (g)   Motel or hotel: one space for each guest room provided in the design of the building, plus one space for each employee during the busiest shift;
         (h)   Professional, personal and business offices: one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area, but at least three spaces;
         (i)   Fast food establishments, drive-in restaurants: one space for each 35 square feet of seating area and an additional two spaces shall be added for drive through facilities;
         (j)   Motor fuel stations and motor fuel station convenience stores: a minimum of four outside parking spaces, plus three additional outside spaces for each enclosed service stall. One additional parking space shall be provided for each 150 square feet of floor space which is devoted to retail sales in a motor fuel station convenience store;
         (k)   Retail sales: four spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor space, less storage space;
         (l)   Restaurants, cafés, bars, taverns, nightclubs: one space for every three seats based on design capacity, plus one space for each employee during the busiest shift;
         (m)   Furniture stores, appliance stores, repair shops, studios, commercial green houses: two spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, less storage space;
         (n)   Auto repair, boat and marine sales, garden supply stores, building materials sales: eight spaces, plus one space for each 800 square feet of floor area over 1,000 square feet;
         (o)   Manufacturing, fabricating or processing of a product or material: one space for each 400 square feet of floor area, plus one 12-foot by 24-foot space for each company owned truck (if not stored inside the principal building);
         (p)   Warehousing, storage or handling of bulk goods: one space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area, plus one space for each employee on the busiest shift; and
         (q)   Uses not specifically noted: determined by the City Council upon recommendation by the Park/Planning Commission.
(Ord. passed 12-17-2014)