(a) No person, whether principal or agent, shall open or conduct a temporary store or other place for the selling of wearing apparel or any other goods, wares or merchandise within the Village, or offer any article for sale until he has complied with the State statute provisions relative to obtaining a State license as an itinerant vendor, and until he has exhibited the State license to the Chief of Police or his designee and procured from the Chief of Police or his designee a license to open a store or conduct a sale. The license fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be paid to the Chief of Police or his designee. Any such itinerant vendor shall be subject to the surety bond requirements specified in Section 739.06.
(b) This section shall not apply to permanent residents of the Village while selling their own personal property not originally acquired for resale, or foods or foodstuffs produced and/or prepared at the residence of the seller if:
(1) The sale is conducted on the residence property of the seller;
(2) The sale is of no more than seven calendar days duration; and
(3) No more than three sales are held in any one calendar year.
(c) This section shall not apply if another license is required by the Village pursuant to its Business Regulation Code for the subject business or activity.
(Ord. 43-2012. Passed 9-20-12.)