§ 154.010 DEFINITIONS.
   (A)   Purpose. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms are defined. When not inconsistent with the context, the present tense includes the future. Words used in the singular number include the plural number.
(Prior Code, § 9.04.010)
   (B)   Undefined words. Any word not defined shall be interpreted within its common and approved usage.
(Prior Code, § 9.04.020)
   (C)   Definitions of words. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ACCESS CORNER. A corner formed by the intersection of a street right-of-way and a fully developed driveway to an off-street parking area.
      ACCESSORY BUILDING. A supplementary building or structure on the same lot as the principal building, or part of the principal building, occupied by or devoted exclusively to an accessory use. Such use shall not include any building used for dwelling, residential or lodging purposes, or sleeping quarters for human beings.
      ACCESSORY USE. A use naturally and normally incidental to, subordinate to, and devoted exclusively to the main use of the land or buildings, but not including uses considered accessory buildings or accessory structures.
      AGRICULTURAL LAND. Land used strictly for cultivation of crops or for animal husbandry, held in tracts or parcels no smaller than ten acres in area.
      ALLEY. A narrow right-of-way lying behind parcels that is used as a service road, access to garages, utilities or as a pedestrian way.
      ALTERED or ALTERATIONS. Any interior or exterior modification, remodel, repair or addition that involves any support elements of any structure, building or dwelling including but not limited to bearing walls, columns, beams, post, girders and changes in type of roofing material.
      AMENDED PLAT. A change in the plat of an approved or recorded subdivision that affects the layout of any street or area reserved for public use or creates any additional lots.
      ANNEXATION AGREEMENT. A contract between the sub-divider or developer and the town that sets forth the rights, duties and obligations of all parties regarding the annexation of a subdivision or development into the town.
      APARTMENT BUILDING. A dwelling designed for three or more housing units with separate housekeeping, cooking and bathroom facilities for each apartment. Buildings are also known as, but not limited to, triplex (three housing units), quadplex (four housing units), garden apartments or townhouses.
      APPEALS BOARD. The Star Valley Ranch Town Council.
      APPURTENANCES. The visible, functional, or ornamental objects accessory to and part of buildings, such as: chimneys, flag poles, cupolas, spires, or antennas.
      BLOCK. A group of lots surrounded by streets. It may include an alley separating lots adjacent to streets.
      BLOCK CORNER. The lot located at the intersection of the street rights-of-way forming two edges of the block.
      BLOCK LENGTH. The longest dimension of a block as measured from the outer lot property lines.
      BLOCK WIDTH. The shortest dimension of a block as measured from the outer lot property lines.
      BOAR D. The Town of Star Valley Ranch Planning and Zoning Board.
      BUFFER AREA. A strip of land separating two land uses that is planted with vegetation and may include a berm.
      BUILDING. Any structure, either temporary or permanent, having a roof and used or built for the shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, chattel or property of any kind. BUILDINGS shall include awnings; eaves to the drip line; and attached decks and porch(es) with or without a roof.
      BUILDING AREA. The total exterior framing area taken on a horizontal plane at the largest floor level of a building or an accessory building exclusive of unroofed porches, terraces, patios and steps, and of awnings and nonpermanent canopies. (See BUILDING COVERAGE, IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE.)
      BUILDING COVERAGE. The area of a lot covered by principal and accessory buildings, porches, decks. (See BUILDING AREA, IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE.)
      BUILDING HEIGHT. The vertical distance measured from the lowest elevation of the ground next to the building to the highest point of the roof (for flat roofs, to the deck line), but not including chimneys, antennas, steeples and other similar non-inhabitable structures or portions of structures. (See illustration).
      BUILDING SITE. An area upon which the developer proposes to erect or construct a building or make improvements to render the property suitable for the erection of a building, together with the surrounding land which is intended to be used in conjunction with such building or improvements.
      BULB. See CUL-DE-SAC.
      CLUSTER HOUSING. A planned subdivision where detached dwellings are located in close proximity to each other and share common open space, including recreational areas and parking.
      COMMERCIAL. A business or building that provides goods or services with the intent of making a profit exclusive of non-profit and government organizations.
      COMMONS. An area for the use of the public or for all owners of a defined area.
      COMMUNITY BUILDING. Buildings open to the public (such as private and public schools, churches, museums, meeting halls and libraries) owned by government, quasi-governmental, religious and service organizations.
      CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY. Lots of property sharing at least one common boundary. Lot boundaries separated by easements or public rights-of-way are considered to be contiguous.
      COUNCIL. The Town Council of the Town of Star Valley Ranch.
      CUL-DE-SAC. A circular enlargement of a dead-end street that allows the turning of vehicles without the need to back up. It consists of two curves that define its size.
      DEAD-END STREET. A street that has only one point of vehicular ingress/egress; it usually includes a turn-around at its terminus.
      DECK, AT GRADE. A deck that shall not exceed one foot above existing or proposed grade at any level.
      DEDICATION. The setting apart, acceptance and confirmation by the Town Council of land or an interest in land for use by the public.
      DEVELOPER. A person who subdivides or proposes to subdivide land, whether as an owner or an agent of an owner.
      DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. A contract between the sub-divider or developer and the town that sets forth the rights, duties and obligations of all parties regarding the development of a subdivision or tract of land located within the town.
      DOG RUN. An outdoor fenced area designated to confine household pets while providing an adequate exercise area for animal(s) and may contain a shelter.
      DRIVE-IN. Any commercial use that by the way of site layout or building design encourages or permits patrons to remain in their vehicle while receiving goods or services.
      DRIVEWAY. The area on private or public property where vehicles are operated, parked or allowed to stand.
      DRIVEWAY APPROACH. A length of street right-of-way that provides access to a driveway or driveway apron.
      DRIVEWAY APRON. The area, construction or improvement between the edge of the street and the back edge of sidewalk, proposed sidewalk line, or a line ten feet in from the street right-of-way that provides ingress and egress for vehicles from the alley, street or roadway to a definite area of the private property, which includes, but is not limited to, driveways, loading/unloading areas, drop-off/pickup areas.
      DRIVEWAY WIDTH. The width of driveway apron or driveway at the edge of the street right-of-way.
      DUPLE X. A building consisting of two separate housing units typically side-by-side, each with a separate entrance.
      DWELL ING. A structure providing permanent, complete living accommodations.
      DWELLING HEIGHT. Building height.
      EARTH TONE(S). A color scheme that draws from a color palette of whites, browns, tans, grays, greens and some reds. The colors in an earth tone scheme are muted and flat in an emulation of the natural colors found in dirt and rocks. For the purpose of these performance standards this definition will also include muted blues and yellows.
      EASEMENT. The right of a utility, public or non-profit agency, organization or association to use or cross private or public land for the purpose(s) of providing services, access or preservation. The terms of the EASEMENT shall be on file with the County Clerk.
      EFFICIENCY UNIT. A small apartment consisting typically of a combination living room and bedroom area, a bathroom and kitchenette.
      EXISTING BUILDING. A building existing in whole or whose foundations are complete, and whose construction is being diligently pursued on the effective date of this chapter.
      FAMILY. An individual or a collective number of individuals living together in one house under one head, whose relationship is of a permanent and distinct domestic character. However, this shall not include any society, club, fraternity, sorority, association, lodge, combine, federation, group, coterie, occupants of a counseling house, lodging house or hotel, or organization which is not a recognized religious order, nor include a group of individuals whose association is temporary or seasonal in character or nature.
      FENCE. Any permanent wall or structure, including enclosed dog runs, more than 24 inches in height, erected or maintained for the purpose of enclosing, partitioning, screening, restricting access to or decorating the lot, building, structure, or yard or any portion thereof; specifically excluded are fences that are erected or maintained for construction purposes as outlined in § 150.060.
      FRONTAGE. The side of a lot abutting on a street from which primary pedestrian access to public streets and sidewalks is made.
      FRONTLOADED GARAGE. An accessory building or a portion of a residential, commercial, or community building that is constructed for parking of motor vehicles where the doors for the entry and exit of a motor vehicle faces the street, or front yard.
      FULL-CUTOFF (FCO). A light fixture which cuts off all upward transmission of light.
      FULLY SHIELDED. A light fixture with housing or attachment thereto which prevents a line of sight to the bulb when viewed from another property and which prevents a line of sight to any part of the light source at or above a horizontal plane running through the lowest portion of the fixture.
      GARAGE. An enclosed structure on three (3) or more sides that is built next to or attached to a house with the primary use of parking or storing vehicles.
      GLARE. The discomfort experienced by an observer with a direct line of sight to a light source which often results in annoyance, discomfort or loss of visual performance causing visual impairment.
      GRADE. The slope of a road or street expressed as a percentage.
      GREENS. A buildable upland open space which is a manicured lawn, garden, passive-use-park, with or without trees, a similar use, or combination of uses.
      GREENBELT. A landscaped or natural area for purposes of aesthetics and for purposes of a buffer area.
      HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. Any material defined as a hazardous substance under federal or state statutes.
      HOME OCCUPATION. Any gainful occupation engaged in by an occupant of the dwelling unit. Said occupation is clearly incidental and secondary to the dwelling for dwelling purposes and does not change the character of the dwelling and the property.
      HOUSING UNIT. A house, apartment, mobile home, group of rooms, or single room occupied as a separate living quarter (or if vacant, intended for occupancy as a separate living quarter). SEPARATE LIVING QUARTERS are those in which the occupants live and eat separately from any other persons in the building and which have direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall.
      IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE. The area of a lot which results in surface water runoff with a runoff curve number of 95 or greater, and includes any cover on or over the ground which is a building, structure, driveway, patio, paved or gravel street/drive/parking lot surface, lined pond, swimming pool. RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER, as used here, is as defined and calculated by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. (See BUILDING AREA, BUILDING COVERAGE, BUILDING ENVELOPE.) Impervious surfaces are mainly artificial structures such as pavements (roads, sidewalks, driveways and parking lots) that are covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt, concrete, brick, stone and rooftops.
      INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE. A septic tank, seepage tile, sewage disposal system or any other sewage treatment device that serves only one building.
      LIGHT TRESPASS. Light projected onto a property from a fixture not located on that property.
      LOAD BEARING. A structural element that is capable of supporting a structural load (weight and/or stress) and conducting this load to a foundation structure that supports and transmits the load to the underlying soil.
      LOOP STREET. Circular shaped street that has a single egress/ingress point and provides access to multiple residential units.
      LOT. A legally recorded piece of land with defined boundaries as shown on a subdivision plan, map, plat or described in a recorded deed. It may be in its entirety a tax lot or be one of several lots within a tax lot.
      LOT CORNER. A lot at the intersection of two streets.
      MAINTENANCE. A recurring activity with the goal of preserving the building or structure in its original condition so as to prolong its useful life.
      MANUFACTURED/MOBILE HOME. A structure, transportable in one or more sections which in the traveling mode is eight body feet (2,438 body mm) or more in width or 40 body feet (12,192 body mm) or more in length or, when erected on site, is 320 or more square feet (30 m squared), and which is built on a permanent chassis, and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without permanent foundation, when connected to the required utilities and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein: except that such term shall include any structure which meets all the requirements of this paragraph, except the size requirements and with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily files a certification required by the Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). MOBILE HOME shall mean MANUFACTURED/MOBILE HOME.
      MANUFACTURED/MOBILE HOME PARK. A use which is a parcel of land under the control of a person upon which three or more manufactured/mobile homes are located on a continual non-recreational basis.
      MASSAGE PARLOR. Any establishment having a fixed place of business where massages are administered for pay, including but not limited to massage parlors, sauna baths and steam baths. This definition shall not be construed to include a hospital, nursing home, medical clinic, or the office of a physician, surgeon, chiropractor, osteopath, or physical therapist duly licensed by the state, nor barber shops or beauty salons in which massages are administered only to the hands, feet, scalp, face, neck or shoulders. This definition shall not be construed to include the practices of registered massage therapists.
      MASTER LOT. A lot of land or adjacent lots of land under a single ownership as of the date of adoption of this chapter.
      MASTER PLAN. The plan adopted by the Town Council describing town goals, objectives and projects.
      MASTER STREET PLAN. A map showing the desired street network to be implemented during the future development of areas within and adjacent to the town as adopted by the town council.
      MAY. The choice to act or not; it is discretionary (see also MUST, SHALL and SHOULD).
      MAYOR. The chief elected executive officer of the Town of Star Valley Ranch.
      MIXED USE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. A single unified development that incorporates the planned integration of commercial and residential land uses.
      MODULAR HOME. Prefabricated home that consists of multiple sections called modules. Module sections are constructed at off-site facilities, and then the prefabricated sections are completed on the site determined for use. MODULAR HOMES are built the same and considered the same as a stick-built home. Material for modular and stick built homes are the same. Modular homes do not have axles or metal frames. MODULAR HOMES must be built to building requirements of the town.
      MOTOR HOME. Self-propelled vehicle built on a motor vehicle chassis and designed to serve as self-contained living quarters for recreational purposes.
      MUST. A mandatory directive. The word "MUST" is always mandatory and not merely permissive, (see also MAY, SHALL and SHOULD).
      NONCONFORMING BUILDING STRUCTURE. A structure or building lawfully constructed that does not conform to the requirements of the area in which it is situated and existed before the effective date of this chapter or obtained by variance.
      NONCONFORMING USE. Structure, building, lot, premise or land lawfully occupied by a use that does not conform to the regulations of the area in which it is situated and lawfully existing on the effective date of this chapter or obtained by variance.
      OPEN SPACE. An area set aside with the intention of preserving and enhancing natural or improved park and recreational areas.
      OUTDOOR LIGHT FIXTURES. Outside electrically powered illuminating devices, outdoor lighting or reflective surfaces, lamps and similar devices, permanently installed or portable, used for illumination or advertisement. Such devices shall include, but are not limited to, search, spot, and flood lights for buildings and structures, security, recreational areas, parking lot, landscape, billboard and other sign (advertising or other), street lighting, product display area, building overhangs and open canopies lighting.
      OUTDOOR RECREATION PARKS. Uses which are public or private playgrounds, pocket parks, nature areas, natural areas, ball fields, open space preserves, arboretums, gardens, beaches, and so on but not including facilities designed for overnight or camping use.
      OWNERSHIP. The proprietor of the land who is a natural person, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity, or government, or combination of any of them.
      PEDESTRIAN COURT. Consists of houses facing a central green space with vehicular access provided by rear alleys or local streets.
      PLAT. A map, drawn to scale, showing the divisions of a piece of land.
      PRIVATE STREET. A vehicular access way shared by and serving two or more lots, which is not dedicated to the public and is not publicly maintained.
      PROPERTY LINE FENCE. A fence along the outside perimeter of a legally described parcel.
      PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. Any drainage system, road curb, gutter sidewalk, off-street parking area, sewer or water system or any other facility for which the town may assume responsibility, or which may affect improvements which are presently the responsibility of the town.
      LOT MEASUREMENTS. See illustration:
         (a)   LOT DEPTH. The distance between the midpoints of straight lines connecting the foremost points of the front property line and rearmost points of the rear property line.
         (b)   LOT WIDTH. The distance between the parallel side property lines at each side of the lot. In determining LOT WIDTH of odd-shaped lots, if the lot abuts a curving street and, as a result, the side property lines are not parallel, the measurement of the width shall be at the front yard setback line. In determining LOT WIDTH of other odd-shaped lots, the width shall be the average of three measurements taken perpendicular to the lot depth line at one-quarter, one-half and three-quarter intervals of the distance along that line.
      PARKING ACCESS. Access to off street parking by means of a driveway, driveway apron or alley.
      PARKING SPACE. One unit of parking area provided for the parking of one vehicle.
      PERSON. An individual, partnership, firm, corporation, association, organization, trust, company or other legal entity, or a local unit of government or other political subdivision of the state, or a state or state agency.
      PERSONAL PROPERTY SALES. Events such as garage sales, yard sales, basement sales, auctions or other similar events where personal property is offered for sale.
      PERSONAL UTILITIES. A functional device or system that supplements services that are provided by a public utility in our area, by the town, or by the homeowner, e.g. secondary hot water supply, for personal use. These devices/systems include: solar; wind; sewer; and water that would serve residential household uses. PERSONAL UTILITIES do not include similar devices/systems that would serve businesses or commercial purposes.
      PLAZA. Either an open public space facing onto one or more streets or a complex of commercial uses or buildings facing onto a shared parking area.
      PRINCIPAL BUILDING. A use that is the main building or structure on a lot designed to meet the primary, dominant, or declared intent of or used for the primary, dominant, or declared purposes of the occupant.
      PRIVATE ROAD/STREET. A street which is not public and which services more than one dwelling or business. Private streets shall not include driveways to a single dwelling or business or accessory buildings when the driveway is located on the same parcel of land as the serviced structure.
      PROPERTY LINE. The outside perimeter of a legally described lot of land (see illustration above for lot measurements).
         (a)   FRONT PROPERTY LINE. The lot boundary or line which faces the major street or as specified in the zoning area.
         (b)   REAR PROPERTY LINE. The lot boundary or line opposite and most distant from the front property line.
         (c)   SIDE PROPERTY LINE. The lot boundary other than the front property line or the rear property line.
         (a)   Any person, firm, corporation, municipal department or board fully authorized to furnish, under federal, state or municipal regulations, electricity, gas, steam, communications, telegraph, transportation, water or sanitary or storm water sewerage facilities to the public.
         (b)   For the purposes of this chapter, communication tower facilities are not included in the definition of a PUBLIC UTILITY.
      REPAIR. An occasional activity designed to return a damaged or deteriorated component of a structure or building to its pre-damage or pre-deteriorated condition. Two degrees of repair are recognized: minor REPAIRS wherein non-load bearing components of the building or structure are replaced or modified. Major REPAIRS is an alteration wherein a load-bearing component of the building or structure is partially or completely replaced or modified.
      RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. A residential development that promotes more efficient use of space and infrastructure, by encouraging a variety of residential dwelling types and lot sizes.
      RIGHT-OF-WAY. Land dedicated and publicly owned for use as a street or for other public purposes.
      SALE. Any immediate or future transfer of ownership in land, including a contract of sale, whether by deed, contract, plat or other agreement.
      SETBACK. The horizontal distance from an applicable property line within which no building or structure can be placed except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
      SEX-ORIENTED BUSINESS. Establishments that provide adult entertainment of a sexual nature such as adult motion picture theaters, adult mini motion picture theaters, adult paraphernalia/novelty stores and non-therapeutic massage parlors.
      SHALL. A mandatory directive. The word SHALL is always mandatory and not merely permissive (see also MAY, MUST and SHOULD).
      SHARED PARKING. A parking area established to meet in whole or in part the parking requirements of adjacent commercial, residential and/or community buildings.
      SHOULD. A discretionary obligation: it is desirable and recommended but not necessary (see also MAY, MUST and SHOULD).
      SIGN. A structure upon which is displayed any words, numbers, letters, figures, emblems, symbols, designs or trademarks by which any message or image is afforded public visibility from out-of-doors on behalf of and for the benefit of any product, place, activity, individual, firm, corporation, institution, profession, association, business or organization.
         (a)   OFF-PREMISES SIGN. A sign that is physically located on a different lot than the lot on which the advertised business, service, activity, event, product or organization is located.
         (b)   ON-PREMISES SIGN. A sign that is physically located on the lot in which the advertised business, service activity, event, product or organization is located.
         (c)   TEMPORARY SIGN. A sign that is intended to be displayed for a limited period of time to advertise a special event, activity, political campaign, sale or rent of real property, sale of personal property, or other similar purpose.
      SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE. A designated area intended to maintain the country atmosphere of the town which restricts lots to one single-family detached home per lot, one garage (attached or detached) per lot, and one accessory building per lot. Lots can only be used for household purposes.
      SPECIAL USE (PRIOR AND GRANDFATHERED). A use that does not conform to the zoning requirements of the area in which it is situated, existing before the effective date of this chapter and planned for permanent continuation of the use.
      SPITE STRIP. Any strip of land located within or adjacent to a subdivision the primary purpose of which is to allow the owner or developer of the subdivision to control access to a dedicated street or other public facility.
      SPOTLIGHT. A light fixture or bulb which projects light in a specific direction in a narrow beam, typically 45 degrees or less.
      STANDARD DRAWINGS AND ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS. The town Standard Drawings and Engineering Specifications as adopted by ordinance.
      STICK-BUILT. A structure constructed entirely or largely on-site that is built on the site which is intended for occupancy upon its completion.
      STOOP or PORCH. A platform, entrance stairway or small veranda at a building door.
      STORAGE CONTAINER. Any metal receptacle or enclosure used in storage, packaging, and transportation, including shipping, and may also be known as Conex boxes, cargo containers, sea vans, dry boxes, storage containers, or freight containers.
      STORY. The portion of a building included between the surface of any above floor grade and the surface of the floor next above it, or if there be no floor above it then the space between any floor and the ceiling next above it. A full STORY shall have a vertical separation of at least eight feet floor to ceiling at all places. A half STORY shall be the upper-most story of a building and has one or more walls which are part the roof with at least an eight-foot high ceiling.
      STREET. A town street as shown on maps certifying the same or a county road as shown on maps certifying the same to the county.
         (a)   PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL. Any street designated as a numbered county, state or federal route.
         (b)   TOWN ARTERIAL. A town street that provide a means of travel between distant parts of town or to destination areas, such as golf courses, public buildings, or commercial centers, and access to which by lesser streets is controlled stop signs to minimize interference to through traffic.
         (c)   COLLECTOR. A town street that provides a link between local streets and arterials and allows for the movement of through traffic in neighborhoods. It is identified by having an average of 500 vehicle trips per day as determined by the land use, number of lots served, and Average Daily Trips (ADT) for that land use as specified by the Trip Generation Table in Appendix D, or by providing access to a major community destination, such as a country club, maintenance facility, commercial center, or park. COLLECTORS are designed so as not to disrupt the activities and land uses they serve.
         (d)   LOCAL STREET. A town street that provides direct access to and connections between individual residences, businesses, minor community facilities and other land uses within a neighborhood. They link individual properties to the collector and arterial street network. A LOCAL STREET is for use by property owners, the general public and service vehicles such as trash trucks, delivery trucks and snowplows.
         (e)   PRIMITIVE ROAD. A single or two lane street providing direct access to an undeveloped area, individual residential property, ranch, recreational or scenic area. This type of road is usually private and when a public right-of-way, it is not usually maintained for general traffic purpose.
         (f)   “T” INTERSECTION. One in which a vehicle must stop and turn either to the right or to the left rather than proceeding forward in a straight line.
      STREET STANDARDS. The cross sections and construction standards for typical street sections, as set forth in the town standard drawings and engineering specifications.
      STRUCTURE. Anything constructed, erected or placed with a fixed location on the ground or affixed to something having a fixed location on the ground, except, structure shall not include automobiles, trucks, trailer, hunting blinds, fences, hedges, sidewalks, driveways, gardens or tents.
      SUBDIVISION. The division of land into two or more lots, for the purpose of sale or development, including any re-subdivision of land.
      SUPERMARKET. Also called a grocery store in some parts of North America, is a self-service store offering a wide variety of food and household merchandise, organized into departments.
      TERRACE. An engineering term that means a raised embankment with the top leveled, or a relatively level step constructed on the face of a graded slope for drainage and maintenance purposes.
      TOWN. The Town of Star Valley Ranch, a Wyoming municipality.
      TOWN ADMINISTRATOR. The Town of Star Valley Ranch Chief Operations Officer.
      TOWN COUNCIL. The Town of Star Valley Ranch Town Council.
      TOWNHOUSE. A housing unit attached to any number of other housing units commonly side by side, each of which typically has two floors, each with their own separate entrances and owner.
      TRAILER. A vehicle, which may be drawn or pulled on a highway by a powered unit.
      TURN-AROUND. A part of a street that is unobstructed by parking and that allows for a safe change of direction for vehicles.
      USE. The purpose for which land or a building thereon is designed, arranged or intended to be occupied or used, or for which it is maintained.
      USED or OCCUPIED. The physical presence of a person to use a structure and includes the words “intended,” “designed” or “arranged” to be used or occupied.
      VARIANCE. A relaxation of the terms of this chapter where such variance will not be contrary to the public interest and where, owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not the result of the action of the applicant, a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty.
      WETLAND. Land characterized by the presence of water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances supports wetland vegetation or aquatic life. Irrigation ditches are not considered WETLANDS.
(Prior Code, § 9.04.030) (Ord. 2012-06, passed 9-11-2012; Ord. 2021-18, passed 12-15-2021; Ord. 2024-03, passed 4-9-2024)