Massage Parlors
709.01   Prohibited.
County regulations - see W.Va. Code 7-1-32
Sexual misconduct - see GEN. OFF. Art. 517
Assault - see GEN. OFF. 529.01
   Notwithstanding any other provisions or ordinances of the Town of Star City set forth by the Common Council of the Town of Star City, the following businesses or establishments, not heretofore existing, are not permitted to operate within the corporate limits of the Town of Star City:
   (a)   Any business commonly known or designated as a "massage parlor" but is designated by a different name which however conducts the business of a "massage parlor".
   (b)   Any business commonly known or designated as a "bookstore" or "adult bookstore" wherein pornographic material is displayed or purveyed, directly or indirectly, at wholesale or retail.
   (c)   Any other business establishment purveying or selling directly or indirectly, at wholesale or retail, any pornographic material of any type or description, including but not limited to books, magazines, films, movies or sex apparatus.
      (Passed 5-16-77)