The following uses are permitted within an LI District:
   (A)   Light industrial uses which include: manufacturing, research, testing, processing, assembly, fabrication, and treatment of materials, the products of which are distributed to other facilities for further storage, processing, or eventual distribution to the end users. Light industrial uses do not include uses dominated by storage or warehousing, freight transfer, or delivery of goods to the end user on-site;
   (B)   Motor vehicle service and repair provided no junked, unlicensed, or inoperable vehicles are kept on the property;
   (C)   Cleaning, laundering, and dry cleaning processing facilities, without direct retail transactions with the end users;
   (D)   Construction contractors’ offices, if equipment or materials are screened according to§ 154.183. Any outdoor storage of equipment or materials for construction contractors shall constitute no more than 25% of the ground floor size of the principal building, and shall be no more than eight feet in height; and
   (E)   Commercial offices for administrative purposes as a principal use or as a function of an industrial enterprise.
(Prior Code, § 152.141) (Ord. 2022-02, passed 4-26-2022)