§ 154.183 SCREENING.
   (A)   Screening may be accomplished with a wall, fence, berm, or other landscape feature, or plantings which will provide an opacity of 80% within three years of planting. Planting type and screen design are subject to Planning Commission review and City Council approval and shall meet the following criteria.
      (1)   Plant material centers shall not be located closer than three feet from the fence line or property line and shall not be planted to conflict with public plantings, sidewalks, trails, fences, parking areas, and driveways based on the judgment of the City Manager or designee.
      (2)   Where materials are planted for screening purposes in two or more rows, plantings shall be staggered in rows or designed to provide maximum screening effect, unless otherwise approved by the City Manager or designee.
      (3)   Evergreen trees intended for screening shall be planted not more than 15 feet apart.
      (4)   Where massing of shrubs for screening is required, large deciduous shrubs shall be planted four feet on center or closer, and/or evergreen shrubs shall be planted three feet on center or closer. The City Manager or designee may approve a different spacing if warranted for plant health and impact, based on species selected.
   (B)   Screening is required on C or LI District property which abuts any property in a residential district. The City Council may require screening on R-4 District property which abuts R-1, R- lA, R-2, or R-3 District property. All exterior storage must be screened, except merchandise being displayed for sale or materials and equipment being used for construction on the premises.
(Prior Code, § 152.183) (Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-9-2024) Penalty, see § 10.99