(A)   Within ten business days after the abatement order is mailed to the site owner, the owner must accomplish the following:
      (1)   Provide the city, in writing, with:
         (a)   Confirmation that all persons and their pets have vacated the site;
         (b)   The names of all children who the owner believes were residing at the site during the time period the clandestine drug lab is suspected to have been at the site; and
         (c)   Confirmation that the site will remain vacated and secured until the public health nuisance is completely abated, as required by this subchapter.
      (2)   Contract with one or more city-approved environmental hazard testing and cleaning firms to conduct the following work in accordance with the most current state guidelines:
         (a)   A detailed on-site assessment of contamination at the site, including the personal property in the site;
         (b)   Soil testing of the site and testing of all property and soil in proximity to the site which the environmental hazard testing and cleaning firm determines may have been affected by the conditions found at the site;
         (c)   A complete clean-up of the site (including the clean-up or removal of plumbing, ventilation systems, fixtures, and contaminated soil) or a demolition of the structures on the site and complete clean-up of the demolished site;
         (d)   A complete clean-up, or disposal at an approved dump site, of all personal property in the site that is found to have been affected by the conditions at the site;
         (e)   A complete clean-up of all property and soil in proximity to the site that is found to have been affected by the conditions at the site; and
         (f)   Remediation testing and follow-up testing, including testing of the ventilation system and plumbing, to determine that all health risks are sufficiently reduced to allow safe human occupancy and use of the site, use of the personal property in it, and use of all property and soil in proximity to the site.
      (3)   Provide the city with the identity of the testing and cleaning firm with which the owner has contracted for abatement of the public health nuisance as required above; and
      (4)   Sign an agreement with the city establishing a clean-up schedule. The schedule must establish reasonable deadlines for completing all actions required by this subchapter for abatement of the public health nuisance. The city will consider practical limitations and the availability of contractors in approving the clean-up schedule.
   (B)   The owner must meet all deadlines established in the clean-up schedule. The owner must provide the city with written documentation of the clean-up, including a signed statement from a city-approved environmental hazard testing and cleaning firm that the site, all personal property in it, and all property and soil in proximity to the site is safe for human occupancy and use and that the clean-up was conducted in accordance with the most current state guidelines.
(Prior Code, § 131.42) Penalty, see § 131.99