(A)   No license shall be transferred to any person or premises by the person or from the premises to whom and for which the license was granted, by any means whatsoever, including, without limitation, devise or descent or involuntarily by the operation of law, without the person and premises to whom and to which the license is to be transferred having first submitted an application containing all of the information required in an original application, and complying with all requirements for an original license, and receiving the approval of the City Council, and where required, the Department of Public Safety. Any change in the persons named in the original application or any change in the information in the original application shall be deemed a transfer for the purposes of this subchapter.
   (B)   Provided, however, the following changes shall not be deemed a transfer:
      (1)   A change in the ownership of a limited partnership comprising 10% or less cumulatively of the limited partnership during the then license period;
      (2)   A change in ownership of a corporation comprising 10% or less cumulatively of the stock owners during the then license period; or
      (3)   A change in one of the corporation’s officers during the term of the then license. Provided, however, the corporation shall give notice of a change in officer to the City Manager or designee, and the new officer shall comply with all requirements of this section and §§ 111.01 through 111.14.
(Prior Code, § 112.13)