In addition to the requirements of § 116.10, the following special requirements apply to the sale of wine, intoxicating malt liquor, and intoxicating liquor sold pursuant to a wine license or an on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued in accordance with this subchapter.
   (A)   Licensed premises. The licensed premises must:
      (1)   Have an exclusive entrance from and exit to the exterior of the building in which the licensed premises is located or to a public concourse or public lobby, and have a physical barrier separating the licensed premises from other areas so as to prevent the passing of patrons other than through the required entrances and exits;
      (2)   Have adequate space for the storage, preparation, and handling or service of food, wine, and liquor; and
      (3)   The premises shall not have more than 15% of its seating capacity located at a bar or service counter.
   (B)   Alcohol awareness training.
      (1)   Within 30 days following the issuance of a new wine license or a new on-sale intoxicating liquor license, not less than 75% of the employees authorized to serve or sell wine or liquor on the licensed premises shall have completed an alcohol awareness program approved by the Chief of Police.
      (2)   Not less than 75% of the employees authorized to serve or sell wine or liquor on the licensed premises must complete an alcohol awareness program approved by the Chief of Police within 90 days prior to an application for license renewal for a wine license or a on-sale intoxicating liquor license.
   (C)   Percentage of food sold. Not less than 50% of the restaurant’s or hotel’s gross receipts from the combined sale of food, non-alcoholic beverages, wine, and liquor, on an annual basis, shall be attributable to the sale of food and non-alcoholic beverages.
   (D)   Limit of alcohol strength. No wine over 14% alcohol by volume may be sold or consumed on a premises holding a wine license.
   (E)   Denied sales or consumption. No sales or consumption of wine or liquor shall be permitted beyond the licensed premises.
   (F)   Container volume restrictions. Wine may not be sold, served, or consumed in containers larger in volume than one liter.
   (G)   Diluting, changing, or tampering with wine or liquor prohibited. No licensee shall sell, offer for sale, or keep for sale, wine or liquor in any original package that has been refilled or partly refilled. No licensee shall directly, or through any other person, dilute, or in any manner tamper with, the contents of any original package so as to change its composition or alcoholic content while in the original package. Possession on the premises by the licensee of any wine in the original package differing in composition, alcoholic content, or type from the wine received from the manufacturer or wholesaler from whom it was purchased shall be prima facie evidence that the contents of the original package have been diluted, changed, or tampered with.
   (H)   Sales in hotels. No sale of wine or liquor shall be made to or in guest rooms of hotels unless:
      (1)   The rules of the hotel provide for the service of meals in guest rooms;
      (2)   The sale of the wine and liquor is made in the manner which conforms to the requirements of § 116.12;
      (3)   The sale is incidental to the regular service of meals to guests in their rooms; and
      (4)   The rules of the hotel and the description, location, and number of the guest rooms are fully set out in the license application.
(Prior Code, § 112.12) Penalty, see § 10.99