(A)   Each owner of a one or two-family dwelling in the city must post the correct street or avenue number of the building in a conspicuous place both on the front and rear of the building in accordance with this section.
      (1)   House numbers must be in Arabic numerals, and of a color contrasting to the building.
      (2)   Each numeral may be no less than four inches (102 mm) in height and no less than three-quarter inch in stroke width. Buildings more than 70 feet from the street shall have numerals no less than five inches in height.
      (3)   A rear building posting will not be required unless an alley or other public access exists to the rear of the lot or parcel on which the building is located.
      (4)   Front numerals must be posted on the building surface nearest the street or avenue nearest the front of the building. These numerals must be at a height and position so that the numerals can be easily read by a person of normal vision while seated in an emergency vehicle located in the street.
      (5)   Rear numerals must be posted on the building surface nearest the alley or other rear public access. The numerals must be at a height and position such that the numerals can be easily read by a person of normal vision while seated in an emergency vehicle located in the alley or other rear access.
   (B)   New and existing buildings not classified in division (A) above shall have approved address numbers, building numbers, or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property.
      (1)   These numbers shall contrast with their background.
      (2)   Each numeral may be no less than four inches (102 mm) in height and no less than three-quarter inch in stroke width. Buildings more than 70 feet from the street shall have numerals no less than five inches in height.
      (3)   These numerals must be at a height and position so that the numerals can be easily read by a person of normal vision while seated in an emergency vehicle located in the street.
      (4)   The placement and size of the numerals or sign must be approved by the Fire Marshal.
(Prior Code, § 97.10) (Ord. 08-001, passed 4-8-2008; Ord. 2022-03, passed 5-24-2022) Penalty, see § 97.99