§ 93.99  PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provisions of this chapter for which no other penalty is provided shall be subject to the provisions of § 10.99.
   (B)   (1)   The penalty for noncompliance with this chapter is a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each violation. If violations exist in a dwelling or rooming unit as specified in § 93.63, each unit shall be deemed and considered a separate violation.
      (2)   The penalty for noncompliance with this chapter is automatically waived if the dwelling or dwelling unit is brought into compliance with this chapter within 30 days of the original violation. The property owner shall request an inspection from the Fire Department to verify compliance and have the waiver provision applied.
      (3)   Any person convicted of violating § 93.16 shall be deemed guilty of a violation and subject to the monetary fine set out in KRS 534.040.
      (4)   The Fire Chief may revoke or suspend the permit of any person or business entity that violates the provisions of §§ 93.15 through 93.18, including, but not limited to, the failure of the permittee to comply with §§ 93.15 through 93.18 and other laws and regulations involving the sale, display, or storage of fireworks, the failure of the permittee to pay the appropriate permit fees and other taxes and fees payable to the city, and the submission by the permittee of an application that contains material that is false or untrue statements.
      (5)   Any fireworks stored, sold, or used in violation of this chapter may be removed by the Fire Chief or his or her designee in cooperation with the State Fire Marshal pursuant to the provisions of KRS 227.750.
   (C)   A violation of §§ 93.45 through 93.48 constitutes unlawful burning, and offenders are subject to one or more of the following actions:
      (1)    Extinguishing the fire themselves;
      (2)   Having the Fire Department respond and extinguish the fire, with the subject being billed for the cost to the city;
      (3)   Issuance of a citation for a violation of this subchapter;
      (4)   A fine of $10 to $100;
      (5)   Revocation of outside burning privileges; and/or
      (6)   Being placed on a required inspection list prior to authorization to burn being granted.  (Prior Code, § 93.99)  (Ord. 310.1.1, passed 6-3-1999; Ord. 310.02, passed 9-5-2019)