(A)   In order to comply with this chapter, only ionization or photo-electric type smoke detectors approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory shall be installed. As an alternative to self- contained smoke detectors, under certain limited conditions an approved fire detection system or a combination thereof may be installed. Each and every alternative system must be individually approved in written form by the city’s Fire Chief.
   (B)   Smoke detectors in new residential dwellings shall be wired directly (hard wired) to the building’s power supply. In existing buildings, it is preferred that smoke detectors be wired directly to the power supply, however, the detectors may be powered by a self-monitored battery or operated by an electrical plug-in outlet which is fitted with a plug restrainer device, provided that the outlet is not controlled by any switch other than the main power supply.
   (C)   Smoke detectors shall be placed in accordance with applicable National Fire Protection Act (N.F.P.A.) standards, being 12 U.S.C. §§ 2201 et seq. Detectors may be ceiling or wall mounted, provided, that if wall mounted they shall be within 12 inches, but not closer than six inches, of the ceiling.
   (D)   At least one smoke detector shall be installed to protect each sleeping area, A SLEEPING AREA is defined as the area or areas of the dwelling unit in which the bedrooms (or sleeping rooms) are located. Where bedrooms or rooms ordinarily used for sleeping are separated by other use areas (such as kitchens or living rooms, but not bathrooms or closets), they shall be considered as separate sleeping areas for the purpose of this section. In a dwelling unit which contains a well-defined sleeping room separated from the other activity areas of the same unit, the detector shall be located in the corridor within the unit or interior area giving access to the rooms used for sleeping purposes. Where sleeping areas are separated or where a single smoke detector will not adequately service all sleeping areas, there shall be a smoke detector installed adjacent to each sleeping area.
   (E)   In a rooming unit, the detector shall be centrally located on the ceiling.
   (F)   In a dwelling containing two or more dwelling units or any rooming unit, in addition to the requirements for individual smoke detectors in each dwelling unit or rooming unit, detectors shall be placed in centrally located common areas, so that smoke detectors will adequately service all sleeping areas.
   (G)   At least one detector shall be installed in or near each stairway leading up to an occupied area in such a manner as to assure that rising smoke is not obstructed in reaching the detector and the detector intercepts rising smoke before it reaches the occupied area.
(Prior Code, § 93.57)  (Ord. 310.02, passed 9-5-2019)  Penalty, see § 93.99