(a)    The purpose of the Railway Depot Overlay is to revitalize the area by developing mixed uses, which will add more pedestrian activity, increase trade in the Downtown Overlay District, to encourage pedestrian oriented uses and to encourage pedestrian links. The development of the Railway Depot Overlay Area is intended to create a stronger sense of community in the area, by using the Train Station as a focus; redevelop the historic structures in the area; and attract visitors to the Train Depot.
   (b)    A mix of any uses permitted in the underlying zones; with all nonresidential uses permitted on the ground level only and further provided that all parking requirements are met.
   (c)    Height shall not exceed forty-five (45) feet or three (3) stories above grade at the building line.
   (d)    Businesses and residences in the Railway Depot Overlay are exempt from the parking requirements for the underlying zoning district if the use is located within 100 feet of a municipal parking area.
   (e)    Loading standards of the underlying district shall apply.
   (f)    Landscaping and screening regulations of the underlying zoning districts shall apply.
   (g)    Signs in the Railway Depot Overlay.
      (1)    All signage shall be compatible with the exterior of existing buildings in the district.
      (2)    One (1) sign shall be permitted for the sole purpose of identifying the occupant of the principal structure on the lot. Such identification shall be limited to the name of the company or occupant, and the street number (not to exceed six digits).
   (h)    Outdoor Cafes in the Railway Depot Overlay.
      (1)    Outdoor Cafes are permitted in the Railway Depot Overlay. Outdoor Cafés shall also be governed by the following provisions:
         A.   Outdoor cafés (including outdoor seating areas) may be permitted between a storefront and the curb as an Accessory Use to an existing restaurant, delicatessen, or food store provided vehicular and pedestrian circulation is not unreasonably restricted;
      (2)    Permitted Use.
         A.   Limited outside Sidewalk sales of perishable and consumable items (produce, ice cream, newspapers, magazines, soft drinks, etc.) may be permitted in conjunction with an outdoor café provided that the outdoor display and sale is approved pursuant to the supplemental regulations outlined for "Outdoor Display and Sale of Merchandise" below; and
         B.   If an outdoor café does not consistently comply with all conditions listed in this Section and its Zoning Permit, or if the Use becomes a nuisance for any reason as determined by the Zoning Administrator, the Zoning Administrator may order such Use terminated.
   (i)    Outdoor Display and Sale of Merchandise in the Railway Depot Overlay.
      (1)    Outdoor Display and Sale of Merchandise are permitted in the Railway Depot Overlay. Outdoor Display and Sale of Merchandise shall also be governed by the following provisions:
         A.   Outdoor display and sales upon public Sidewalks and rights of way may be permitted only if vehicular and pedestrian circulation is not unreasonably restricted.
      (2)    Types of Merchandise.
         A.   Outdoor displays and sales may include items offered for sale by or incidental to the store or business upon whose property, or fronting the sidewalk on which, the display and sale is conducted.
      (3)    Display.
         A.   The merchandise displays shall be on racks or display counters that are of similar quality to those used in the store or business.
         B.   All displays shall be removed from the outdoor location or adequately secured when the store or business is closed; and
      (4)    Signage.
         A.   No Signage other than normal price markers the same size and design as those used on the interior shall be permitted.
            (Ord. 2023-02. Passed 4-17-23.)