(a)   The establishment or use of properties abutting Olde Main from Second Street to B Street as a restaurant is permitted provided the percentage of beverages with alcohol content sales does not exceed 30% of the total sales, based upon dollar sales. The Clerk and Building Official may issue licenses, permits or certificates of occupancy to any individual, firm, business, or legal entity seeking to open, operate or establish a restaurant on properties abutting Olde Main from Second Street to B Street, provided that: a) the percentage of beverages with alcohol content sales does not exceed 30% of the total sales, based upon dollar sales; and b) said individual, firm, business or legal entity has complied with all other local, state and federal laws.
   (b)   Any restaurant operating under the authority of this Ordinance shall close its operation each night by 12:00 a.m., allowing no customers, patrons or non-employees to remain on the premises after 12:00 a.m.
   (c)   It shall be the responsibility of such individual, firm, business or legal entity operating any such restaurant authorized under this Ordinance to file with the city, not later than the 10th day of each month, a report as to the dollar amount of the previous month's sales of beverages with alcohol content and the dollar amount of total sales. If a report is not received, a 10-day written warning will be forwarded to the last known address for the establishment. After the expiration of the 10-day warning period and a report has not yet been received, the following penalties shall apply:
First Offense:
Second Offense:
Third Offense:
$2,500.00 and revocation of Municipal Business License
   (d)   The requirements set forth hereinabove shall only apply to those businesses beginning operations after this Ordinance is approved by City Council.
(Ord. 2017-16. Passed 11-6-17.)