(A)   Purpose. The purpose of the One and Two Family Residential District is to provide for medium density housing in single-family and two-family dwellings and directly related, complimentary uses.
   (B)   Requirements.
      (1)   Minimum lot area:
         (a)   10,000 square feet for single-family dwelling lots with public sewer;
         (b)   15,000 square feet for two-family dwelling lots with public sewer;
         (c)   Two acres for single-family dwelling lots without public sewer;
         (d)   Five acres for two-family dwelling lots without public sewer;
      (2)   Minimum lot width:
         (a)   100 feet for single-family dwelling lots with public sewer;
         (b)   100 feet for two-family dwelling lots with public sewer;
         (c)   150 feet for all lots without public sewer;
      (3)   Front yard setback: 25 feet;
      (4)   Rear yard setback:   25% of the lot depth, or 25 feet, whichever is lesser;
      (5)   Side yard setback:
         (a)   10 feet interior;
         (b)   10 feet interior for buildings of two and one-half stories height or more;
         (c)   15 feet corner;
         (d)   25 feet for public and semi-public buildings abutting a residential or vacant lot;
      (6)   Height: Same as in R-1;
      (7)   Minimum ground floor area per dwelling: See § 153.027.
   (C)   Permitted principal uses.
      (1)   All uses listed as permitted uses in the R-1 District;
      (2)   Two-family dwellings;
      (3)   Duplexes as defined in this chapter.
   (D)   Permitted accessory uses. All uses listed as permitted accessory uses in the R-1 District.
   (E)   Uses requiring a conditional use permit.
      (1)   All uses listed as conditional uses in the R-1 District;
      (2)   Planned unit developments as regulated by this chapter;
      (3)   Bed and Breakfasts, tourist accommodations and associated commercial uses necessary to the operation of the use;
      (4)   Conversions of single-family dwellings into two-family dwellings, provided that:
         (a)   No existing single-family dwellings shall be converted into more than 2 dwelling units;
         (b)   Lot size shall be at least 15,000 square feet with public sewer;
         (c)   Adequate off-street parking is provided in accordance with this chapter;
         (d)   Each unit shall meet the minimum health and safety requirements as provided for in the Uniform Building Code and State Fire Code.
(Prior Code, § 903.02) (Am. Ord. 2019-8-3, passed 8-13-2019)