(A)   In the interpretation and application of this chapter, the term TRAVELER or AUTHORIZED TRAVEL means any elected or appointed municipal officer or employee, including members of municipal boards and committees appointed by the Mayor or the municipal governing body, and the employees of such boards and committees who are traveling on official municipal business and whose travel was authorized in accordance with this chapter. AUTHORIZED TRAVELER shall not include the spouse, children, other relatives, friends or companions accompanying the authorized traveler on city business, unless the person(s) otherwise qualifies as an authorized traveler under this chapter.
   (B)   Authorized travelers are entitled to reimbursement of certain expenditures incurred while traveling on official business for the city. Reimbursable expenses shall include expenses for transportation; lodging; meals; registration fees for conferences, conventions and seminars; and other actual and necessary expenses related to official business as determined by the CAO. Under certain conditions, entertainment expenses may be eligible for reimbursement.
   (C)   (1)   Authorized travelers can request either a travel advance for the projected cost of authorized travel or advance billing directly to the city for registration fees, air fares, meals, lodging, conferences and similar expenses.
      (2)   Travel advance requests are not considered documentation of travel expenses. If travel advances exceed documented expenses, the traveler must immediately reimburse the city. It will be the responsibility of the CAO to initiate action to recover any undocumented travel advances.
   (D)   Travel advances are available only for special travel and only after completion and approval of the travel authorization form.
   (E)   The travel expense reimbursement form will be used to document all expense claims.
   (F)   To qualify for reimbursement, travel expenses must be:
      (1)   Directly related to the conduct of the city business for which travel was authorized; and
      (2)   Actual, reasonable and necessary under the circumstances. The CAO may make exceptions for unusual circumstances. Expenses considered excessive won’t be allowed.
   (G)   Claims of $5 or more for travel expense reimbursement must be supported by the original paid receipt for lodging, vehicle rental, phone call, public carrier travel, conference fee and other reimbursable costs.
   (H)   Any person attempting to defraud the city or misuse city travel funds is subject to legal action for recovery of fraudulent travel claims and/or advances.
   (I)   Mileage and motel expenses incurred within the city aren’t ordinarily considered eligible expenses for reimbursement.
(2011 Code, § 4-302)