(A)   (1)   All storage water heaters operating above atmospheric pressure shall be provided with an approved, self-closing (levered) pressure relief and temperature valve or combination thereof, except for non-storage instantaneous heaters.
      (2)   Such valves shall be installed in the shell of the water heater tank or may be installed in the hot water outlet; provided, the thermo-bulb extends into the shell of the tank.
      (3)   Temperature relief valves shall be so located in the tank as to be actuated by the water in the top one-eighth of the tank served.
   (B)   For installations with separate storage tank, said valve shall be installed on the tank and there shall not be any type of valve installed between the water heater and the storage tank. There shall not be a check valve or shut off valve between a relief valve and the heater or tank which it serves. The relief valve shall not be used as a means of controlling thermal expansion.
(2011 Code, § 18-316) (Ord. 06-45, passed 9- -2006)