Any customer who has on the same premises a well or other auxiliary water supply, or who stores water in an uncovered or unsanitary storage reservoir from which the water is circulated through a piping system, shall file with the Cross-Connection Coordinator a statement of the non-existence of unapproved or unauthorized cross-connections, auxiliary intakes, bypassed or interconnections. Such statement shall also contain an agreement that no cross-connection, auxiliary intake, bypass or inter-connection will be permitted upon the premises until the construction and operation of same has been approved by the state, and operation and maintenance of same has been placed under direct supervision of the general manager of the city’s Water and Sewerage Systems. Such statement shall also include the location of all additional water, sources utilized on premises and how they are used. Maximum backflow protection shall be required on all public water sources supplied to the premises.
(2011 Code, § 18-308) (Ord. 06-45, passed 9- -2006)