   13-401   Purpose
   13-402   Definitions
   13-403   Administration; funding; increases in fees and fines; annual evaluation
   13-404   Alarm registrations required; terms; fees and fee collection
   13-405   Registration application; contents
   13-406   Transfer of registration
   13-407   Duties of alarm users
   13-408   Audible alarms; restrictions, abatement of malfunctioning alarm
   13-409   Duties of alarm installation companies and monitoring companies
   13-410   Duties and authority of the Alarm Administrator
   13-411   False alarm fines; fees; late charges
   13-412   Notice to alarm users of false alarms and suspension of a police response
   13-413   Alarm registration suspension, fees, fines, violation to make alarm dispatch request for suspended alarm site
   13-414   Appeals of determinations regarding alarm registrations, fees and fines
   13-415   Reinstatement of suspended alarm registrations
   13-416   Police Department response
   13-417   Scope of police duty; immunities preserved
   13-418   Fee and fine schedule for alarm systems