(A) The building and plumbing permit fees are acknowledged to be adequate payment for the first time inspections on each major phase of work in construction. Code re-inspections of the same work are not adequately paid for by the initial building and plumbing permit fees.
(B) The following fee schedule will be in effect for re-inspections:
(1) First inspections, each construction phase: no additional fee;
(2) First re-inspection, each permit: no additional fee;
(3) Second re-inspection, each permit: $25; and
(4) Third and more re-inspections, each permit: $50 each.
(C) The term “each permit”, as used in the fee schedule, includes all permits (building permit, plus amending permits), issued for a single building or construction project, and also includes a single constructed entity or build out on a continuous foundation or a single reconstruction, renovation or remodeling permit of similar characteristics as a single new building permit.
(D) No further inspections per each permit will be done by city employees until required re-inspection fees have been paid. No certificate of occupancy will be issued until such fees have been paid.
(2011 Code, § 12-801)