§ 11-905 EXCEPTIONS.
   The following shall constitute valid exceptions to the operation of the curfew:
   (A)   At any time, if a minor is accompanied by his or her parent;
   (B)   When accompanied by an adult authorized by a parent of such minor to take said parent’s place in accompanying said minor for a designated period of time and purpose within a specified area;
   (C)   Until the hour of 12:30 a.m. if the minor is on an errand as directed by his or her parent;
   (D)   If the minor is legally employed, for the period from 45 minutes before to 45 minutes after work, while going directly between his or her home and place of employment. This exception shall also apply if the minor is in a public place during curfew hours in the course of his or her employment. To come within this exception, the minor must be carrying a written statement of employment issued by employer pursuant to the authorization of the Chief of Police to expire within 90 days;
   (E)   Until the hour of 12:30 a.m. if the minor is on the property of or the sidewalk directly adjacent to the place where such minor resides or the place immediately adjacent thereto if the owner of the adjacent building does not communicate an objection to the minor and the police officer;
   (F)   When returning home by a direct route from (and within 30 minutes of the termination of) a school activity or an activity of a religious or other voluntary association, or a place of public entertainment, such as a movie, play or sporting event. This exception will not apply beyond 1:30 a.m. If the event is not commercial in nature or does not have a fixed, public known time at which it will or does end, the sponsoring organization must register the event with the Chief of Police of the city’s Police Department (or his or her assigned representative) at least 24 hours in advance, informing the Police Department of the time such event is scheduled to begin, the place at which it shall be held, the time at which it shall end and the name of the sponsoring organization;
   (G)   In the case of reasonable necessity, but only after such minor’s parent has communicated to the Police Department personnel the facts establishing such reasonable necessity relating to specified streets at a designated time for a described purpose including place or origin and destination. A copy of such communication, or the police record thereof, duly certified by the Chief of Police to be correct, an appropriate notation of the time it was received and of the names and addresses of such parent and minor shall constitute evidence of qualification under this exception;
   (H)   When exercising First Amendment rights protected by the United States Constitution, such as the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and the right of assembly. Such minor shall evidence the bona fides of such exercise and provide notice to city officials by first delivering to the Police Department a written communication, signed by such minor, with his or her home address and telephone number, addressed to the Mayor of the city specifying when, where and in what manner said minor will be on the streets at night during hours when the curfew ordinance is still otherwise applicable to said minor in the exercise of a First Amendment right specified in such communication;
   (I)   When a minor is in a motor vehicle; and
   (J)   Each of the foregoing exceptions, and their several limitations, such as provisions for notification, are severable, as hereinafter provided, but here re-emphasized.
(2011 Code, § 11-905)