If an occupied building's fire protection system is deemed to be out of service by the Fire Code Official, Fire Chief or designee the building owner/manager/responsible party will be required to perform a fire watch. Fire watch requires the following:
   (A)   Must have at least one dedicated person dedicated to maintaining the fire watch until the system is placed back online Spring Hill, TN Code of Ordinances.
   (B)   This person shall be familiar with the building and physically able to walk constantly.
   (C)   Be trained to identify the fire hazards.
   (D)   Know how to use a fire extinguisher.
   (E)   Know how to initiate the alarm system.
   (F)   Know how to notify the Fire Department.
   (G)   Know the evacuation plan.
   (H)   Check all exits and ensure they are clear and assessable.
   (I)   Must document hourly checks with form provided by the Fire Department or available on the city website and submit the form via email, fax or hand deliver to the Fire Marshal's Office within eight hours of the end of the fire watch after the system is back in service.
   (J)   Failure to provide documentation of maintained fire watch shall result in issuance of a fine established in the City of Spring Hill fee schedule.
(Ord. 23-02, passed 3-6-2023; Ord. 23-18, passed 11-20-2023)