§ 7-600 GENERAL.
   (A)    No person shall cause, suffer, allow, or permit open burning within the entire city limits of the City of Spring Hill, TN except as set in following sections:
      (1)   Commercial barbeque fireplace.
      (2)   Fires set by or at the direction of responsible fire control persons for training purposes or directed at the prevention, elimination, or reduction of fire hazards.
      (3)   Fires set at the direction of law enforcement agencies or courts for the purpose of destruction of controlled substances and legend drugs seized as contraband. This does not include antineoplastic agents.
   (B)   Routine demolition of structures via supervised open burning by responsible fire control persons will not be considered fire training or elimination of fire hazard. Demolition of structures may be conducted by open burning provided that there is unilaterally issued state of local building codes order to demolish the structure by open burning because of its structural failure. Such orders shall be recognized only where there is no other safe way to demolish the structure.
(Ord. 20-02, passed 5-18-2020)