It shall be unlawful for any person or persons:
   (A)   To deface, damage, mar, injure, destroy, litter, or vandalize any public park or public park property;
   (B)   To break into any public or city-owned building, enclosure, swimming pool, or swimming pool area, or other related facility;
   (C)   To enter any public or city-owned building, enclosure, swimming pool, or swimming pool area, or other related facility when it is locked or closed for the exclusion of public use, or when the surrounding circumstances indicate that it is so closed;
   (D)   To climb any tree, fence, picnic shelter, monument, flagpole, or other structure or edifice located in/on park property, but excluding playground items and equipment designated or normally expected for such use; or
   (E)   To cut, break, pluck, root up, or in anyway disturb any trees, shrubs, flowers, plants, or bulbs planted or growing in/on park property.
(Prior Code, § 5.0703) Penalty, see § 92.99