§ 905 General Regulations Applicable to All Districts.
   A.   Sign Location.
      1.   No sign shall be placed in such a position as to endanger pedestrians, bicyclists, or traffic on a street by obscuring the view or by interfering with or imitating official street signs or signals by virtue of position, color, or reflective surface.
      2.   No sign may occupy a clear sight triangle.
      3.   Signs and their supporting structures shall maintain clearance and noninterference with all surface and underground utility and communications lines or equipment.
      4.   No sign or other advertising device shall be located within any street right-of-way line except for official traffic signs and signals.
      5.   Except as otherwise permitted herein, [see Section 908, which is also incorporated into Section 909], only one sign of a type for which a permit is required shall be erected on any one lot except that a lot fronting on more than one street may have one permitted sign on each street frontage.
   B.   Sign Materials & Construction.
      1.   Every sign that requires a permit shall be constructed of durable materials, using non- corrosive fastenings; shall be structurally safe and erected or installed in strict accordance with the PA Uniform Construction Code; and shall be maintained in safe condition and good repair at all times so that all sign information is clearly legible.
   C.   Sign Area.
      1.   The area of a sign shall be construed to include all lettering, wording, and accompanying designs and symbols together with the background, whether open or enclosed, on which they are displayed, but not including any supporting framework and bracing which are incidental to the display itself.
      2.   For a sign painted upon or applied to a building, the area shall be considered to include all lettering, wording, accompanying designs, or symbols together with any backing associated with the sign.
      3.   Where the sign consists of individual letters or symbols attached to or painted on a surface, building, wall, or window, the area shall be considered to be that of the smallest rectangle or other geometric shape that encompasses all the letters and symbols and spaces between each letter or symbol.
      4.   In computing the size of a double-faced sign where the sides are parallel to each other, only one side shall be considered when determining the sign area, provided both faces are identical (or mirror images of each other). If the angle between the two sides is greater than 45 degrees, or if they are not identical or mirror images, all sides of such signs shall be considered in calculating the sign area. Where the faces are not equal in size, the larger sign face shall be used as the basis for calculating sign area.
      5.   If elements of a sign are movable or flexible, such as a flag or banner, the measurement is taken when the elements are fully extended and perpendicular to the line-of-sight.
      6.   The permitted maximum area for all signs is determined by whether they are located on-lot or off-lot, the sign type, and the zoning district.
   D.   Sign Height.
      1.   Sign height shall be measured as the distance from the highest portion of the sign to the mean grade at the base of the sign.
      2.   Clearance for freestanding and projecting signs, where specified, shall be measured as the smallest vertical distance between finished grade and the lowest point of the sign, including any framework or other structural elements.
      3.   The permitted maximum height for all signs is determined by the sign type and the zoning district in which the sign is located (see §§ 907-909).
   E.   Sign Spacing. The spacing between signs shall be measured as a straight-line distance between the closest edges of each sign. For both on-lot (except those delineated in Section 905.J.3.b) and off-lot signs, minimum spacing is determined by the speed limit on the adjacent street as it relates to visibility and readability (see Table A), unless otherwise specified or unless lot sizes dictate closer spacing.
   Table A. Minimum Sign Spacing
Speed Limit
Minimum Spacing
Speed Limit
Minimum Spacing
>55 MPH
440 feet
50-54 MPH
400 feet
45-49 MPH
360 feet
40-44 MPH
320 feet
35-39 MPH
280 feet
30-34 MPH
240 feet
25-29 MPH
200 feet
   Source: Schwab, R. N., Safety and Human Factors: Design Considerations for On-Premise Commercial Signs. (Washington DC: International Sign Association, 1998) and Garvey, P. M., et al., Sign Visibility: Research and Traffic Safety Overview. (Bristol, PA: The United States Sign Council, 1996).
   F.   Sign Illumination.
      1.   Signs may be illuminated, unless otherwise specified herein, consistent with the following standards:
         a.   Illuminated signs shall be so arranged so that the source of light is not visible from any point off the lot and that only the sign is directly illuminated. Any lighting of billboards or other externally illuminated signs of more than 20 square feet of sign area shall be placed at the top of the billboard or sign and be aimed downwards.
         b.   Lighted signs shall conform to all applicable requirements of Section 502.
         c.   On-lot lighted signs in all districts shall be extinguished between 11 PM and dawn, except in the case of a non-residential use that is open during those hours. In the latter case, the on-lot lighted sign must be extinguished when the non-residential use is closed.
      2.   Types of Illumination: Where permitted, illumination may be:
         a.   External: External illumination shall be by a steady, stationary light source, shielded and directed solely at the sign. The light source must be static in color.
         b.   Internal: Internally illuminated signs, and neon lighting, where permitted, must be static in intensity and color.
      3.   Electrical Standards.
         a.   The electrical supply to all exterior signs, whether to the sign itself or to lighting fixtures positioned to illuminate the sign, shall be provided by means of concealed electrical cables. Electrical supply to freestanding signs shall be provided by means of underground cables.
         b.   The owner of any illuminated sign shall arrange for a certification showing compliance with the brightness standards set forth herein by an independent contractor and provide the certification documentation to Springfield Township as a prior condition for issuance of a sign permit.
   G.   Changeable Message Signs.
      1.   Message Duration: The minimum message duration shall be no less than eight (8) seconds.
   H.   Directional Signs.
      1.   Directional signs shall not exceed 3 square feet in area.
      2.   Height of directional signs, measured from the mean elevation of the proposed finished grade at the foot of the sign to the highest point of the sign structure shall not exceed three and one-half (3.5) feet.
   I.   Signs Not Permitted.
      1.   No signs shall emit smoke, visible vapors or particles, sound or odor.
      2.   No roof signs shall be permitted.
      3.   No sign or any guy, stay or attachment thereto shall be erected or placed on any electric light, power, telephone wires, or supports thereof.
      4.   Electronic Message Centers (EMCs) shall be prohibited in all zoning districts within the Township.
      5.   Abandoned signs.
      6.   Signs incorporating beacon lighting.
      7.   Any sign of any type suspended across a public street, without the permission of the owners of the properties and road.
   J.   Exempt Signs. A sign permit shall not be required prior to the erection, structural repair, alteration, moving, removal, or demolition of any of the following signs in any zoning district in the municipality. Exempt signs shall conform to the regulations of § 905. No exempt sign shall be illuminated, either from an interior light source or by an exterior source focused on the sign, except for official governmental building signs and police station signs.
      1.   Official highway route number signs, street name signs, and other official traffic signs that are in the interest of public safety or the regulation of traffic.
      2.   Signs that are not visible from a public right-of-way and not visible at a property line not in single ownership.
      3.   Small, on-lot signs
         a.   “Small sign- Type A”: with a sign area >1 sq. ft. but < 2 sq. ft.
            i.   One Type A sign is allowed per lot.
         b.   “Small sign - Type B”: with a sign < 1 sq. ft.
            i.   Minimum sign spacing is 100 ft.
            ii.   Number of signs = Total lot perimeter length/100.
      4.   Temporary signs, provided that the area on any one side of such sign shall not exceed 6 square feet and the height shall not exceed three and one-half (3.5) feet. Temporary signs shall be displayed for no more than 90 days in a 6-month period and shall be marked indelibly with the posting date. Temporary signs that relate to a specific event shall be removed by the installer or by the lot owner on which the sign is installed within 5 days after the event has occurred. Three temporary signs are permitted per lot, except that a lot fronting on more than one street may have three temporary signs on each street frontage.
      5.   Window Sign - A sign applied to a window pane (e.g., giving store hours or the name or names of credit or charge institutions), when the total area if any such sign or all signs together does not exceed 1 square foot.
      6.   Cornerstone or historical plaque/sign affixed to the surface of a building wall and not exceeding one and one-half (1.5) square feet.
      7.   Bunting - Bunting, pennants, and similar materials to announce the opening of a new structure, business or industry placed on the premises, provided the bunting is removed not later than 14 days after the opening day or the first day of operation.
      8.   Official and governmental signs including flags or insignia, safety signs, signs indicating points of interest, signs identifying official Township buildings or facilities. Signs identifying Township buildings, police stations, or other Township facilities may be illuminated by exterior lights focused on the sign.
      9.   Holiday and seasonal decorations.
      10.   Personal expression signs of any type, including flags, provided that they do not exceed eight (8) sq. ft. in area per side, are non-commercial in nature, and no illuminated.
      11.   Flags:
         a.   Location. Flags and flagpoles shall not be located within any right-of-way.
         b.   Height. Flagpoles shall have a maximum height of 30 ft.
         c.   Number. No more than two (2) flags per lot in residential districts, no more than three (3) flags per lot in all other districts.
         d.   Size. Maximum flag size is 24 sq. ft. in residential districts, 35 sq. ft. in all other districts.
         e.   Flags containing commercial messages may be used as permitted freestanding or projecting signs, and, if so used, the area of the flag shall be included in, and limited by the computation of allowable area for signs on the property. Flags up to eight (8) sq. ft. in area containing noncommercial messages are considered personal expression signs and are regulated in accordance with § 905.J.10.
      12.   Vending machine signs.
      13.   Memorial signs, public monument or historical identification signs erected by Springfield Township, including plaque signs up to six (6) sq. ft. in area.
      14.   Signs advertising the variety of crop growing in a field. Such signs shall be removed after the growing season.
      15.   Incidental signs, including incidental window signs.
      16.   Art and murals, provided that such signs do not contain any commercial messaging.
(Ord. 191, passed 1-8-2019)