1. Before voting on the enactment of an amendment, the governing body shall hold a public hearing. No amendment shall become effective until after such hearing at which parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard.
2. Notice shall be given once each week for 2 successive weeks, the first notice being not more than 30 days, and the second notice not less than 7 days in advance of such hearings and shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality. Such notice shall state the time and place of the hearing and shall include either the full text of the proposed amendment, or the title and a brief summary, prepared by the municipal solicitor and setting forth all the provisions in reasonable detail. If the full text is not included:
A. A copy shall be supplied to a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality at the time the public notice is published.
A. An attested copy of the proposed ordinance shall be filed in the County Law Library or other County office designated by the County Commissioners.
(Ord. 163, passed 2-28-2012, § 702; Ord. 172, passed 6-24-2014, § 1)
1. Preventative Remedies. In addition to the right of the Township to enforce a Subdivision or Land Development Ordinance violation by means of an action in equity in the Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County, and other rights the Township may have at law, including actions to recover damages and to prevent illegal occupancy of a building, structure, or premises, the Township may:
A. Refuse to issue any permit or grant any approval necessary to further improve or develop any real property which has been developed or which has resulted from a subdivision of real property in violation of this Ordinance. This authority to deny such a permit or approval shall apply to any of the following applicants:
(1) The owner of record at the time of such violation.
(2) The vendee or lessee of the owner of record at the time of such violation without regard as to whether such vendee or lessee had actual or constructive knowledge of the violation.
(3) The current owner of record who acquired the property subsequent to the time of violation without regard as to whether such current owner had actual or constructive knowledge of the violations.
(4) The vendee or lessee of the current owner of record who acquired the property subsequent to the time of violation without regard as to whether such vendee or lessee had actual or constructive knowledge of the violation.
B. As an additional condition for issuance of a permit or the granting of approval to any such owner, current owner, vendee, or lessee for the development of real property which was subdivided in violation of this Ordinance, the Township may require compliance with the conditions that would have been applicable to the property at the time the applicant acquired an interest in such property.
2. Enforcement Remedies. Any person, partnership or corporation who or which has violated the provisions of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, upon being found liable therefore in a civil enforcement proceeding commenced by the municipality in district justice court, shall pay a judgment of $500 plus all court costs, including reasonable attorney fees incurred by the municipality as a result thereof. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation, unless the district justice determining that there has been a violation further determines that there was a good faith basis for the person, partnership or corporation violating the Ordinance to have believed that there was no such violation, in which event there shall be deemed to have been only one such violation until the 5th day following the date of the determination of a violation by the district justice and thereafter each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.
3. In the event of a violation of this Ordinance, the Township may also elect to pursue equitable remedies and any remedies deemed appropriate under the Municipalities Planning Code being 53 P.S. §§ 10101 et seq. by a court of competent jurisdiction in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
(Ord. 163, passed 2-28-2012, § 703; Ord. 172, passed 6-24-2014, § 1)
Where applicable, the following notices shall be included on the subdivision and/or land development plan:
Driveway access to a State Highway shall be authorized only by Highway Occupancy Permit issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation as required pursuant to 36 P.S. § 670-420 of the Act of June 1, 1945, (P.P. 1242, No. 428), known as the State Highway Law, being 36 P.S. §§ 670-101 et seq. Building permits shall not be issued until said highway occupancy permit has been issued.
Approval of this plan does not represent any guarantee or assurance by Springfield Township that a Highway Occupancy Permit will be issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
The planning module for land development has been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Bucks County Department of Health as to the subdivision plan. However, the septic system permit has not been issued for the lot(s) upon which new building(s) are proposed. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a septic system permit shall be obtained and presented to the Zoning Officer for each new building. Approval of this plan does not guarantee permit issuance for sewage disposal.
The lots or building(s) in this development are planned to be served with water by means of individual wells constructed, owned and operated by the owner of the lot. No well water supply or quality testing has been conducted to verify suitability of individual wells for this purpose. It is possible that any or all of these lots do not have adequate soils or geology to provide an adequate volume or quality of on-site water. The lot well must be drilled and water supplies tested for volume and quality in accordance with Township requirements prior to issuance of any building permit.
The grant of a permit or approval of a subdivision and/or land development plan in the identified floodplain area shall not constitute a representation, guarantee, or warranty of any kind by the Township or by any official, consultant, or employee thereof of the practicability or safety of the proposed use, and the owners hereby agree and acknowledge that such permits or approvals shall not create any liability upon the Township, its officials, employees, or consultants.
A. All drainage easements shown on this plan shall be maintained in the condition identified on the plan, in accordance with the grades and designs shown on the approved development plans for this project. All these easements shall be kept free of all obstruction, including but not limited to, such obstructions as fill, debris, temporary or permanent structures. The maintenance of all such easements shall be the responsibility of the lot owner on which the easement exists.
B. Drainage easements shall allow passage of stormwater in underground storm sewer piping and associated structures, and/or allow passage of stormwater over the surface of the ground and shall allow access across the area for purposes of maintenance of the storm conveyance systems.
C. Existing roadside gutters or swales shall not be obstructed by driveways or other fill or structures.
Mud sediment and/or debris tracked from the site onto public cartway shall be immediately removed by brooming and/or mechanical means to the satisfaction of the Township. Use of a backhoe bucket to scrape roadway surface is prohibited. Where mud and/or sediment is causing slick and/or hazardous conditions, roadway surface shall be immediately pressure washed to remove condition. All sediment laden water must be filtered in a manner satisfactory to the Bucks County Conservation District before entering storm sewers and/or drainage channels.
The responsibility for the removal of debris from drain pipes located at the end of driveways shall be borne by the individual property owner, and not the Township. The property owner shall periodically inspect the pipe and remove all debris to ensure that water can flow through it freely. In the event it becomes necessary for the Township to clear the pipe, the cost of doing so shall be assessed against the property owner.
Revisions or modifications to design grading, drainage patterns, or building locations as shown on the approved subdivision grading and drainage plans will require a submission of a plot plan for review and approval by the Township. Plot plan preparation requirements will be determined on a case by case basis depending on extent of modifications proposed.
Any additional subdivision of this tract shall be deemed to be a major subdivision for the purposes of the Subdivision Ordinance and shall follow the procedure applying thereto.
Applications for building permits, where excavation, grading, or location of dwelling, driveway, septic system or other on-lot improvements is revised from the approved subdivision plan, must be accompanied by a plot plan prepared by an engineer or surveyor licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania showing the proposed and existing topography of the site; all existing improvements to the site; dimensions, first floor elevations, and setbacks from the property lines for all existing and proposed buildings; and location of all existing and proposed wells, waterlines, utility lines, septic systems, sewer lines, storm sewers, sump pump drains, easements, trees to be removed, trees to remain, etc. The plan shall bear the imprint of the responsible licensed engineer or surveyor.
A. ON-LOT SEWAGE DISPOSAL - All subdivision and land development plans shall contain a plan note specifying that approval of the plan does not guarantee permit issuance for sewage disposal.
B. PUBLIC OR CENTRALIZED SEWERS - All subdivision and land development plans shall contain a plan note specifying that connection to public sewer is required.
1. General.
A. The following requirements listed within 1. thru 6. shall be considered minimum standards. Additional detail and information may be required by the Township depending on the specific project.
B. All individual sheets of as-built plans shall be signed and sealed by the responsible licensed Land Surveyor.
C. Storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and utility as-built information shall all be included on same plan and profile views. Independent plan sets for each shall not be permitted unless specifically requested by the Township.
D. Proof set of plans shall be submitted to the Township for review of completeness prior to preparation of final drawings. “Proof plan” shall be titled as such. Final drawings shall consist of two (2) sets of reproducible mylars and two (2) sets of paper prints of all plan sheets; and copy of plans in a digital format acceptable to the Township.
E. Final as-built plan set shall include a reproducible mylar sheet of the detention basin as-built.
F. As-built plans shall be prepared on standard 24" x 36" plan sheets at a scale of 1" = 50' or at the design plan scale (whichever is larger).
G. All plan sheets shall include a standard Act 38 notification requirement for location of underground utilities prior to excavation.
2. Stormwater Management Basins.
Stormwater Management as-built plan shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) Contours at 1 foot intervals.
(2) Spot elevations on the top of berm along interior and exterior edges at 25 feet intervals.
(3) Spot elevations on the top of berm and spillway crest at all four corners of the spillway; and spot elevations centrally on interior and exterior edge of the spillway.
(4) Stage/storage calculations must be included on the plan.
(5) Size, type, length, inverts and slope of outfall pipe.
(6) Top of structure elevation and all associated inverts/sizes of weirs and orifices on same.
(7) Inverts of all storm sewer pipes discharging into the basin.
(8) As-built information on constructed swales which discharge into the basin shall be furnished upon request, as required by the Township.
3. Storm Sewer.
A. Drafting Standards.
(1) Plan shall be prepared utilizing standard plan and profile paper.
(2) Horizontal scale must be 1" = 50' and vertical scale must be 1" = 5', or at design plan scales (if larger).
(3) Plan view:
a. Plan view shall delineate all right-of-way and easement boundaries and all property corners that intersect same.
b. Centerline stationing shall be included along all streets.
c. All roadways, curbing and sidewalk shall be shown and dimensioned.
d. All lot numbers shall be labeled.
B. Storm sewer as-built information shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) Grate and manhole rim elevations.
(2) Pipe sizes, types, lengths and slopes.
(3) Inverts of all inlets, manholes and endwalls.
(4) Types of endwalls shall be identified (e.g. “FES”, “DW”, “D”, etc.)
(5) Location of all sump pump/roof drain tie-ins.
(6) Invert of storm sewer at sanitary sewer and utility crossings.
4. Sanitary Sewer.
A. As-built information shall be prepared in accordance with prevailing standards and requirements of the applicable Authority.
B. At a minimum, Township as-built drawings shall include the following on plan and profile views: location, size, and type of sewer mains, manholes, laterals, etc.
5. Water System.
A. As-built information shall be prepared in accordance with prevailing standards and requirements of the Springtown Water Authority.
B. At a minimum, Township as-built drawings shall include the following on plan and profile views: location, size, and type of water mains, fire hydrants, water valve boxes, laterals, tees, bends, etc.
6. Streets as-built information shall include, but not be limited to the following:
A. Centerline spot elevations at a minimum of every 50 feet.
B. Spot elevations (bottom of curb or edge of pave) at ¼ points around cul-de-sac turnarounds.
C. Centerline geometry.
D. Centerline stationing.
E. The above information may be included on utility plan and profile sheets if it is clearly legible.
F. Typical street crossection drawing.
G. Approximate location of underdrain.
7. Miscellaneous.
A. Location of all conduit crossings for underground utilities through easements and right-of-way must be shown.
B. Set of design plans for gas and electric service installation shall be submitted to the Township with as-built plans. Design plans shall be used for general reference only and shall not be referred to for purpose of as-built information.
C. As-built plan of off street swales may be required when deemed necessary by the Township Engineer.
(Ord. 191, passed 1-8-2019)