§ 506 Street Standards.
   1.   Right-of-Way Widths. Minimum widths for each type of public street shall be as follows:
Type of Street
Right-of-Way Width
100 feet
80 feet
64 feet
Local access
52 feet or greater depending on development type/on-street parking requirements as determined by the Board of Supervisors.
Local access-entrance mobile (manufactured) home park
52 feet for a depth of at least 100 feet from the public street or road
Local access-interior road mobile (manufactured) home park
40 feet
      A.   Where a proposed subdivision abuts or contains an existing public street or road having a right-of-way width less than would be required if said street or road were created under this Ordinance, sufficient additional width for right-of-way shall be provided and dedicated to meet the foregoing standards.
      B.   Additional right-of-way and cartway widths may be required by the Board of Supervisors to promote public safety and convenience when required by special conditions and to provide parking space in areas of intensive use.
   2.   Township Street Classification. Streets are classified as follows:
      A.   Arterial: Route 309
      B.   Collector: Passer Road, Route 212, Old Bethlehem Road, State Road, Richlandtown Pike, Old Bethlehem Pike, Route 412.
      C.   Primary: Bursonville Road, Township Road, Pleasant View Road, Springtown Hill Road, Cherry Road, Trolley Bridge Road, Lehnenberg Road, Slifer Valley Road, Gallows Hill Road, Peppermint Road, Drifting Drive, Springfield Street.
      D.   Local Access: All other roads not classified above as arterial, collector, or primary.
   3.   Cartway Width.
      A.   Minimum width of paving on existing streets shall not be less than the following:
Cartway Width
As required by PennDOT regulations
28 feet
28 feet
Local access
24 feet (26 feet if curb required)
Local access-entrance mobile (manufactured) home park
28 feet
Local access-interior road mobile (manufactured) home park
20 feet
      B.   Proposed Residential Streets. Proposed residential streets shall be constructed in accordance with the following requirements:
Minimum Requirements
Minimum Lot Size
ROW (Feet)
Cartway (Feet)
2 Acres or greater
20,000 SF to 1.99 Acres
Less than 20,000 SF (Parking permitted one side)**
Less than 20,000 SF (Parking permitted both sides)**
**On-street parking requirements determined by Board of Supervisors.
      C.   Nonresidential Streets. Nonresidential streets shall have a minimum right- of-way width of 56 feet. Minimum cartway width shall be 34 feet.
   4.   Design Standards. Design of streets shall conform with PennDOT Design Manual, Part 2, Highway Design (PDT Pub. 13), and all applicable PennDOT RC standards, unless specifically modified by this Ordinance.
   5.   Pavement Design.
      A.   All work and materials involved in the construction of roadways shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications, Form 408, as amended, and shall be noted as such on the plan.
      B.   The roadbed subgrade shall be prepared to the established subgrade elevation and compacted to not less than 100 percent of the determined dry-weight density as set forth in ASTM D 698. Preparation of the subgrade shall conform to PennDOT Form 408, as amended.
      C.   Subgrade drains shall be placed along all proposed roadways to drain wet areas. Subgrade drains shall be constructed in accordance with PennDOT Form 408, as amended.
      D.   Utility trench construction (storm sewer, wastewater lines, water main, gas main, etc.) within existing streets shall be backfilled with 2A modified stone placed and compacted in 8-inch lifts. The trench shall be paved with bituminous concrete base course (5-inch compacted depth), bituminous binder course (Superpave) (1½-inch compacted depth) and the entire cartway shall be paved with a full width overlayment (edge of road to edge of road) of bituminous wearing course (Superpave) (1-inch compacted depth). Utility trenches within proposed street shall be backfilled with clean, dry, select material and compacted in 8-inch lifts to not less than 100 percent of the determined dry weight density of the backfill material. Trenches within easements shall be backfilled with clean, dry, select material and compacted in 12-inch lifts to not less than 100 percent of the determined dry weight density of the backfill material as set forth in ASTM D 698 and PennDOT Form 408, as amended. (Refer Appendix “B.”)
      E.   All roadways covered by these specifications shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards and in accordance with specifications as found in PennDOT Form 408, as amended:
         (1)   Subbase. This work consists of construction of a compacted aggregate (PennDOT #3A) to a depth of 6 inches on a prepared subgrade.
         (2)   Base Course. A bituminous concrete base course to a compacted minimum depth of 5 inches.
         (3)   Binder Course. A bituminous concrete binder course (superpave) to a compacted minimum depth of 2 inches shall be provided for all arterial, collector, and primary streets and all nonresidential streets. A bituminous tack coat shall be applied to the binder course prior to placement of the final wearing course.
         (4)   Wearing Course. A bituminous wearing course (superpave) to a compacted depth of 1½ inches.
      F.   Bituminous paving mixtures shall not be placed when surfaces are wet or when the temperatures of either the air or the surface on which the mixture is to be placed is 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower, or between October 16 and March 31 in any calendar year unless authorized by the Township Engineer.
   6.   Roadside Barriers. Roadside barriers and guiderail shall be required in accordance with PennDOT Design Manual, Part 2, Highway Design, Chapter 12. (PDT Pub. 13) Construction and materials shall be in accordance with applicable PennDOT RC standards.
   7.   Traffic Control. Vehicular traffic control in work zone areas on and along streets open to the public shall be in strict accordance to requirements of PennDOT Publication 203, Work Zone Traffic Control (67 Pa.Code, Chapter 203).
(Ord. 163, passed 2-28-2012, § 506; Ord. 191, passed 1-8-2019)