§ 112.04 OPERATIONS.
   Every junk dealer licensed under this chapter shall maintain the licensed junk/salvage yard and conduct business as hereinafter provided:
   (A)   Every junk/salvage yard shall have a suitable fence at least five feet in height along that portion of the junk/salvage yard which fronts on or abuts any public highway, street, or right-of-way with a gate of not more than 30 feet wide which can be securely fastened or locked to prevent access to the same. In addition, a five-foot fence or five-foot berm shall extend in depth along the sides of the junk/salvage yard from public highway, street or right-of-way for a depth of at least 150 feet. The gate shall be securely locked except during business hours. All required open areas between the fence or inside toe of a berm and lot lines of the premises shall be maintained continuously in good order, free of weeds and scrub growth, trash and debris.
   (B)   All of the facility’s activities and storage must remain behind the fence/berm listed above.
   (C)   No junk/salvage yard shall be operated on Sunday, nor between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the removal of any wrecked automobile from the public highway.
   (D)   All junk shall be stored and arranged so as to permit access by firefighting equipment, and to prevent accumulation of stagnant water. Junked automobiles shall be arranged in rows with at least 15 feet between each row as a fire lane to permit the movement of fire equipment. No point in the junk/salvage yard may be more than 150 feet from a fire lane. Junk shall not be piled to a height of more than eight feet from the ground in a stable configuration unless in a sturdy racking system.
   (E)   All fluids removed from the vehicles shall be drained above an impervious pad into sealable containers. Fluids will be removed from all compromised systems of damaged vehicles within 24 hours after arrival at the facility in order to avoid ground contamination. Every vehicle brought into a junk/salvage yard after the effective date of this chapter must have all systems drained of fluids within ten years or be removed from the lot.
   (F)   The above ground storage of flammable and combustible liquids must conform to 34 Pa.Code, Chapters 14 and 14A. Underground storage of flammable and combustible liquids is prohibited
   (G)   All weeds on any junk/salvage yard shall be mowed and shall not be permitted to go to seed. The facility shall be in compliance with noxious weed laws.
   (H)   A person 18 years or older must be in charge and on site of the licensed premises at all times during business hours.
   (I)   No garbage or organic waste shall be permitted to be stored on any junk/salvage yard.
   (J)   No burning or melting of junk shall be allowed.
   (K)   Paper, rags, plastic materials and rubbish shall not be stored outside, and shall not be accumulated or remain on any junk/salvage yard premises for more than one month.
   (L)   Junk/salvage yards shall at all times be maintained in such manner as to cause no nuisance, nor to cause any menace to health or safety
   (M)   No facility may cause a violation of any health or sanitation law, ordinance or regulation of any governmental body. The manner of storage and arrangement of junk, and the drainage facilities of the premises shall be such as to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water upon the premises.
   (N)   Batteries must be placed on pallets, stacked no higher than two high per pallet and the pallets must be resting on an impervious pad. Pallets should not be stacked more than two high.
   (O)   To prevent the accumulation of water, tires must be stored on rims or under cover. If water collects in the tires under cover, the cover will be considered non-compliant. In aggregate, no more than 5,000 cubic feet of tires may be stored on the property.
(Ord. 183, passed 8-23-2016) Penalty, see § 112.99