Pursuant to the provisions of Section 47 of the Charter of The City of Springfield, Ohio, the City Commission has determined that certain candidates for appointment to the position of police officer may be considered for appointment without participating in a competitive civil service examination process. Such candidates shall be selected pursuant to the procedures and criteria set forth hereafter, and shall have such seniority rights and probationary period as set forth herein.
   (a)   Selection Procedures and Criteria. Pursuant to appointing authority which may be delegated by the City Manager under Section 21(1) of the Charter of The City of Springfield, Ohio, the Chief of Police and Human Resources Director shall together review resumes and applications to determine which applicants meet the lateral entry criteria hereinafter described. Persons shall be eligible for consideration by way of lateral entry, and without participating in a competitive civil service examination process, if they are currently employed as a police officer, deputy sheriff or state highway patrol officer and if they maintain current State of Ohio Peace Officer Certification. Two separate lists for the position of police officer may be maintained, one determined by conducting the competitive civil service examination process and the other by way of the lateral entry procedures. The Chief of Police and Human Resources Director together may decide to consider a candidate from either list to fill a vacancy.
      As with candidates for appointment who participate in a competitive civil service examination process, lateral entry candidates must submit to a thorough background investigation, polygraph examination, psychological evaluation, and an oral interview. A conditional job offer may be extended to a lateral entry candidate, but only subject to a complete physical examination which must be passed in order to be appointed to the position of police officer.
      In addition to possessing current Ohio Peace Officer Training Certificates, lateral entry candidates must have a minimum of one year's experience up to the date of application in their current position as either a police officer, deputy sheriff or state highway patrol officer. Part-time officers or sheriffs and candidates who may be laid off will not be considered under lateral entry processes, but, instead, may be eligible to participate in the competitive civil service examination process. Lateral entry candidates may come from any sized jurisdiction.
      In addition to any criteria set forth in this Section, lateral entry candidates must meet the minimum qualifications for appointment to the position of police officer as may, from time-to-time, be enforced for candidates who participate in the competitive civil service examination process.
      (Ord. 22-168. Passed 5-24-2022.)
   (b)   Seniority. Seniority in the Police Division for lateral entry candidates who are appointed to the position of police officer shall be determined based upon the date of hire with the City. Seniority for promotion or lay-off purposes for such officers shall also begin with the day of appointment as a police officer in the Springfield Police Division.
   (c)   Rate of Compensation. Successful lateral entry candidates for appointment to the position of police officer shall receive compensation at a rate between current entry level pay and Step 4 of such pay-scale as may, from time-to-time, appear in the collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Springfield Police Patrolman's Association ("SPPA").
   (d)   Probationary Period. Persons appointed through the lateral entry process to the position of police officer shall serve a probationary period of one year.
      (Ord. 98-176. Passed 5-19-98.)