(a)   Water supply. A sufficient potable water supply shall be provided food establishments from a source constructed, maintained and operated in accordance with all applicable state, federal and local regulations.
   (b)   All potable water not provided a food establishment directly from an approved source by pipe shall be delivered in a bulk water transport system and shall be transferred to a closed water system. Both systems shall be constructed, maintained, and operated in accordance with all applicable state, federal and local regulations.
   (c)   Water, under pressure, at the required temperatures shall be provided to all fixtures and equipment that use water.
   (d)   Steam used in contact with food or food-contact surfaces shall be free from material or additives other than those specified in 21 CFR 173.310.
   (e)   Sewage. All sewage, including liquid waste, shall be disposed of by a sanitary sewage system or by a sewage disposal system constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local regulations. Nonwater carried sewage disposal facilities are prohibited, except as permitted by the Board of Health.
(Ord. 89-20. Passed 1-10-89.)